Saturday, December 29, 2012


ABIDJAN ( IVORYCOAST ): During a ceremony held on December 21 at the building SCIAM Plateau, the results of the investigation on the living standards of households in IvoryCoast have been made public. And the least we can say is that two years after the regime change, the lives of Ivorians still do not know any improvement. Rather, it only gets worse day by day in a country where authorities talk of billions and emergence in a decade. Wonderful!

Thus, according to the Director General of the Institute, Ibrahim Ba, the investigation revealed "a worsening of urban poverty." Adama Toungara who is the mayor of Abobo over ten years went to illuminate the municipality in which people, oppressed by poverty are still dying from diseases that have disappeared from the planet earth.

This finding of worsening urban poverty is also evidence that the new Ivorian government, despite the rhetoric, has not yet succeeded in reversing the curve of the poverty in our country after two years of effective power. If the investigation revealed a worsening of urban poverty, one can easily imagine the situation in rural areas. In the areas of education and employment the investigation also noted some disturbing setbacks. Thus, "illiteracy and unemployment" exploded.

This gives a clear idea of ​​exploits by Kandia Camara at the Ministry of National Education. If she puts out the threat of closing schools for a year, it will undoubtedly improve the situation. As for unemployment, it already carries the promise of our president to create one million jobs by 2015. Given that unemployment has never been better in our country with Ouattara's "adjustment policy" which is a form of discrimination that allows only president Ouattara's close friends, family members, and his muslim northern tribesmen to be appointed to higher administration positions.

But as Hamed Bakayoko, the arrogant minister of interior said "2013 will be the year of Côte d'Ivoire", Ivorians can always dream!

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