The former president of the Pit, Francis Romain Vangah Wodié, received at the head of the Constitutional Council by the will of Alassane Ouattara, had its first "duties" with the legislative election disputes related to the December 11. According to indiscretions, the Constitutional Council was under pressure from all sides, but wanted to show its relative independence, as has attempted to justify its president. "The Constitutional Council has done its work independently, impartially and conscientiously. We are the last bastion on the elections law, "said Wodie. While noting it is the duty of the institution to confirm an election or correct or cancel it. If the council was able to cancel the results of some 11 districts, it was not the case on the ballot in Bouake where queries were both founded and strong.
Faced with the many requests that have almost the same complaints, the Constitutional Council had to take responsibility. Wodié blasted the behavior of candidates and political parties. "In the course of the campaign, there is the intervention of FRCI or dozos (OUATTARA'S MILITIAS), military service of some candidates, the use of State resources (vehicles and others), the use of signs and symbols of the state and the image of the Head of State and the extension of the campaign beyond the prescribed period, "he notes. Denouncing the vote as the dead and missing persons. "We should not indulge in this game of deception, where all means are allowed or even considered cheating between the strategy of victory of certain candidates and certain political parties. There must exist in all of us will clean up the political field and all the electoral game. This is also the requirement of democracy, "hammered Francis Wodie.
Curiously, the recriminations identified, including ballot stuffing, falsification of PV and / or results, unable to vote, violence, use of elements are mainly FRCI ... by far the alleged RDR of President Alassane Ouattara. In coolly dissecting the methods of fraud of the party including the current head of state remains the president, Francis Wodie inevitably raise the debate on the charges of the candidate Laurent Gbagbo during the presidential election.
Indeed, what Wodie finds today prompted Gbagbo to file appeal before the Constitutional Council in november 2010 election- as it enjoined the law. So, the debate on the recount of the presidential and the audit and reform of electoral commission unable to prevent fraud recurring one camp over-represented within it, can not be avoided. Victims of bad manners policies today deplored yesterday by the Ivorian Popular Front (FPI), the PDCI, the UDPCI and independents should consider joining the former presidential majority in the field of the struggle for electoral transparency. The national and the international balance of power make this fight absolutely winnable.
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