2010 presidential election in Cote d'Ivoire: the post-election war was prepared before the first roundSource: The New Courier: Last Updated: 26.02.2012 (Author: Other)
The book "War Abobo" of French journalist Leslie Varenne lifts the veil on preparations for the post-election war, well before the elections. And describes the dealings with France, the United States and the UN, held jointly responsible for a bloodbath predictable. The formula, as reproduced in length BY AFP, dispatches to ensure that its premise enters the forceps in everyone's head, is known. Ivorian post-election war would be "born of the refusal of Laurent Gbagbo to concede defeat in the presidential election of November 2010." It was already known that the speculation made in July 2010 by Armajaro, firm close to Alassane Ouattara, who had already bought the Ivorian cocoa mass before the war of September 19, 2002, building obviously depending on higher prices related to the conflict, tended to prove that this war was carefully prepared before the election. And would have occurred anyway, regardless of the results and any differences between the candidates. The book "War Abobo - Ivory Coast, playground of France and the UN" of French journalist Leslie Varenne brilliantly confirms this thesis.
Leslie Varenne reported official contacts between France and Ibrahim Coulibaly said "IB" before the election. "Relatives said before the first round of the election, IB met François Hurtut, Ambassador of France in Accra, Ghana. On the menu for the informal discussion, projects of IB and the possibility of aid from France "(p. 108). The journalist had written a few pages before (p. 97): "I would know later history of this group who fights under the banner of Commando invisible, by meeting some of its elements. As the barons of the party of President Bedie, this commando was convinced that the election would go wrong. Before the first round, he managed to bring in two cases of small Kalashnikov in ANYAMA, 500 mesh and some radio communication equipment. The material was well hidden, but Philippe Mangou got wind of the case (...) Several members of this group consists of small groups scattered in some districts of Abidjan, but they are numerous in Abobo " . Leslie Varenne evokes connections, before the second ballot, between IB and dignitaries of the PDCI, who believe it would take a bloodbath to draw international allies of Ouattra's party against Gbagbo ...
France and UNOCI, involved in the attack of the issuer of Abobo and Anonkoua KoutéLeslie Varenne said that France was involved in the destruction of the issuer of the RTI in Abobo, during which civilians were burned alive, and cites the names of two men responsible for liaising between the "Commando invisible" and the regime Ouattara. Gen. Abdoulaye Coulibaly Adama and Colonel Dosso, assassinated March 12, 2011 (p.100). Revelations that undermine the thesis of the tactics of independence of "commando invisible", which thesis is intended to create a shield of impunity around Alassane Ouattara. The companions of IB even say that UNOCI has covered the attack on the village of Anonkoua Kouté, even if they use the cover as the fighting which was nothing but a trip deadly night to oblige Ebrie to leave their villages ...The book "War Abobo" is unforgiving for France, the United States and the UN. And shows that the war option was quickly chosen by the great powers to impose Ouattara, despite the facade of negotiations. "According to several sources within UNOCI, between the end of December 2010 and early January 2011, fifty French instructors and an American general met in the hotel Sebroko. The General arrives in a big sedan with tinted windows, decorated with the American flag, accompanied by the Ambassador of the United States, Philip Carter III. In the UN headquarters, French and Americans are planning a top secret operation code named "Restore Peace and Democracy" (...) The aim of the operation is to help Ouattara militarily to eject Laurent Gbagbo from his chair Presidential. January 20, 2011, the first sound of boots echoing in Ivory Coast. Moreover, according to La Lettre du Continent, UNOCI built a large platform and military logistics. Daily flights between rotations perform Entebbe, Uganda, based UN operations in Africa, and the rebel capital of Guillaume Soro. (...) Large troop movements are taking place in Bouaké, the Licorne force is back in this city. French instructors are also present in the stronghold of the rebels. President Ouattara does not hide these military preparations (...) implicitly Ouattara recognizes that he violates the arms embargo. And the UN, in Bouake present, can not ignore it! "Michel Gueu and a French officer present in the West during the massacres
Leslie Varenne reveals that many young Ivorians from the north have refused to join in the battle of Abidjan. And explains why the army of "bits and pieces" formed with the support of France - General Emmanuel Beth, former head of Unicorn and ambassador of France in Burkina Faso, is mentioned by name - could only commit massacres on its way. "To be a strength, Alassane Ouattara and Guillaume Soro are therefore obliged to cast a wide net. The creation of this army is another crucial point in the history of Côte d'Ivoire. It will have incalculable consequences for the events and the future of the country. According to an Ivorian military, "those who enlisted were Malians, Senegalese, Nigerians and Burkinabe of Cote d'Ivoire" (...) The vast majority of kids are idle, others have small trades, shoemakers, tailors, etc.. The remaining 20% are military or Burkinabe Senegalese loaned by their respective governments. (...) These new soldiers have something in common: they are all northerners and Muslims (...) This is the contingent of ragtag, an army of ethnicity, that France, the United States and the UN will provide assistance to resume the country to the forces of Laurent Gbagbo (...) Launching an ethnic army in the assault of an ethnic tinderbox is an act inconsistent and irresponsible. And the UN knew, the UN was present and the UN did nothing. "In this book, another sobering revelation. While it is always attributed the killings to uncontrollable Duékoué settling of scores of separate ethnic FRCI, we learn that a key man of the device of "the Republic of Golf" Ouattara's headquarters ,was indeed monitoring the situation in the West. On March 28 2011, it is, by his own account, in Bloléquin in a very short distance of Duékoué, along with the UNMIL (UN Mission in Liberia), and a lieutenant colonel in the French army the mission commander. This is the day that begins the terrible massacres that are taking place in Duekoue but also in other western cities, including Bloléquin. The key man of the Republic of the Golf, was General Michel Gueu one of Ouattara's generals.Theophilus Kouamouo
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