A French journalist who covered the war for the post-election The Swiss daily Tribune de Geneve, and who spent time in Abobo(IvoryCoast) alongside fighters of Commando invisible ( pro-Ouattara forces), just published a book full of revelations very embarrassing for the regime of Allassane Ouattara. Especially about the dead women of Abobo.
It is a precious testimony. Published by Editions Arabian Nights, the investigative book "War Abobo - Ivory Coast: playground of France and the UN" of French journalist Leslie Varenne is sure to be thoroughly annotated by all who interested in the post-election Ivorian war - especially in its legal consequences. Indeed, Leslie Varenne has lived much of the last episode of the Ivorian conflict from the town of Abobo, the birthplace of the "Commando invisible" and which have delivered many battles. Having developed a good relationship with Ibrahim Coulibaly said "IB" and his closest lieutenants, it is sort of repository "moral testament" of the former bodyguard of the family of Alassane Ouattara, who has almost been in all conspiracies since December 24, 1999 and the fall of former president Henry Konan Bédié. She has knowledge of a land of war and mysterious men who launched the battle of Abidjan. Inevitably, she knows some of the annoying things that Ouattara-Soro camp probably wanted to hide in conducting the summary execution of IB.Leslie Varenne can not be described easily pro-Gbagbo, according to the usual method used by the regime Ouattara and its international allies to discredit the bearers of truths that bother them. In his book, it multiplies the value judgments final on the first president of the Second Republic of Ivory Coast, and often takes recoilless common places that infect much of the literature published in France on Gbagbo. It does not really investigate the post-election litigation but said, back cover, that Ouattara was "generally democratically elected." She claims that under Houphouet, it was enough to live five years on Ivorian territory to be automatically naturalized, which is not true. It is based on the confidences of former friends of Simone Gbagbo to say that it is "rich" without a word of his supposed bargains.But the interest of the book of French journalist, correspondent for La Tribune de Genève in Abidjan during the months of hell, is not in the background but in the eyewitness accounts that she highlights. And which are decisive. Particularly regarding the notorious "killing of women in Abobo," which justified the adoption of resolution 1975 instrumentalized by France to conceal his official entry into the war against the State of Côte d'Ivoire behind an international text anyway misguided.<! - [If! SupportLists] -> What has happened in Abobo? Excerpts from the book Leslie Varenne.
"On March 3, two or three thousand women marched chanting" Gbagbo Out. " The event is a good fellow. (...) The gathering is held at the roundabout Anador, also called the crossroads of Banco. The procession crosses the tanks out of Abobo-commando camp to go to refuel at Agban gendarmerie camp, traveling in the opposite direction of the event Adjamé. Women target them with cuckoos of the hand in rallying. They are certain to have in front of them tanks taken from the army by the Commando invisible in battle. Suddenly, shots reached women. The procession panic, women screaming, fled to the general amazement, no one understands what happens. Officially, seven women die that day (...) I was not there that day, but when I travel to Abidjan, I have investigated this occurrence. It will take me months to understand what really happened. In this case, many issues are particularly troubling. Abibia, a walker says: "Initially, we did not want to go. Abobo was at war at that time and the march was dangerous. But Ouattara and his allies reassured us, they told us that Fongnons (men of Commando invisible, ed) would secure the demonstrations and us, that to have total confidence in them. They had told us also that UNOCI would be there. That's why we went there confident, dressed in tunics. We were so reassured that a woman came with her baby on her back. She died, but nobody ever mentioned the death of her child. "For its part, the Commando invisible was totally surprised by this event: he had simply not been warned by the Golf (Ouattara and his allies). When men of IB ( general of Commando invisibe) have seen women coming in, they did everything to tell them to go home. But they only managed to turn back the women who came from PK 18 and Anyama. In addition, at the time, the roundabout Anador is not yet a territory under their control. The choice of location of the gathering is so curious. Why give the go on the road and at a time when the tanks are said to go get supplies?Eight months later, Abiba always asks: "I do not always understand why the RHDP(Ouattara's allies) chose this place." The place could be seen as strategic if women had marched to Abidjan, but the rally end of the procession was to take place outside the town hall of Abobo. Another element incomprehensible, women and tanks move in the opposite direction, so they face each other. However, women are shot in the back by machine gun bullets. According to all reports, the shots were fired from the Mobil station about four hundred yards from the roundabout Anador. The cartridge cases gathered by an invisible Commando fighters who arrived on scene after the shooting are sockets class 12.7. But Russian tanks of Laurent Gbagbo are equipped with machine guns of 14 mm. (...) The body of a woman was taken by his family, and buried the same day.Witnesses said the bodies of six other women were picked up by young men of the RDR party of Alassane Ouattara, then transported in runners (small vans, ed.) (...) Another surprising: even in these troubled times, in Abidjan, the procedure is strict, victims should have been transported to the morgue of Anyama. An autopsy should be performed and the bodies should have been returned to families. However, it has not happened. The six bodies were buried in a vacant lot, unbeknownst to their parents, who will take months to get the place of burial. Several months after the fact, the International Criminal Court (ICC) travels to the Ivory Coast and does not meet the families. However, UNOCI has interviewed the parents of victims to know their story and encouraged them to take counsel. But without the support of an organization, how these families could follow a complex procedure and pay the fees of lawyers? The Court of justice of Abidjan only signals the opening of proceedings.During my investigation, I learned that two commanders close to Guillaume Soro ( Ouattara's actual prime minister) were there that day. Were they there to protect the protesters? " Very strange and disturbing was their presence.As disturbing elements!
To summarize, after investigation, the French journalist says the RDR has somehow trapped Abobo activists by lying to them that the Commando invisible, which was not aware, and UNOCI, would protect them. Ouattara's party has purposely chosen to show his women on the road where Gbagbo's forces are said to go get supplies, and time of their passage. Ultimately, the protesters claim that the firing of guns criminals are not coming from the tanks of the Ivorian army as fighters from the field then argue that the sockets can not come from such tanks. Moreover, it is incomprehensible that the dead are affected in the back while the tanks were in front of them. What is also striking is that the RDR has chosen to prevent any examination and autopsy of the bodies of killed by withdrawing them from their families and burying them in a hurry in a vacant lot, then that the vast majority of post-electoral body of the war were still in mortuaries, despite the conflict. This deliberate attempt to prevent the expertise of the body and prevent families from seeing them curiously made to think about what happened in November 2004 with the bodies of nine French soldiers ...The revelations of Leslie Varenne in any case give a new legitimacy to the request of President Laurent Gbagbo, who applies for months an international investigation into the notorious killings of women in Abobo. Another revelation of the journalist confirms the widespread intuition that dirty tricks and schemes to manipulate international public opinion to justify a direct entry into the war of France and the United Nations. An intuition that the official story about the kidnapping of the Novotel raises weighty questions of far ...Leslie says Varenne, based on proprietary secrets, that the attacks of the Golf Hotel on April 9, loudly attributed to pro-Gbagbo forces, were self-shots ... international forces."Guys of UNOCI in camouflage"
Excerpts from the book "War Abobo" evoking April 11, after the violent transfer of Laurent Gbagbo and his family at the Hotel du Golf. "An hour after the arrival of these illustrious guests, his headquarters (the Hotel du Golf, ed) is again attacked with heavy weapons. As before, this attack does no serious injuries or major damage. Why loyal to Gbagbo bombed the place where they found their leader and his clan? Why do they take the risk of killing or hurting them? This latest attack is surprising. An official of the hotel Sebroko reveals the truth: "It's UNOCI who shot himself in the two attacks, one on April 9 and the other on April 11, against the Golf. The first time was to legitimize current operations after Gbagbo requested a cease-fire. The second was a justification for his capture and diversion. A soldier who stayed at the hotel Sebroko one month after the war confirms: "In fact these are the guys of UNOCI in camouflage who did it. Of course, the guys who defended the Gulf were not aware. ""The first casualty of war is truth," wrote Hiram Warren Johnson, U.S. senator, now deceased. It was definitely right.
Theophilus Kouamouo
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