Sunday, April 19, 2015

Abidjan - La justice ivoirienne a annulé vendredi la suspension du président du Front populaire ivoirien (FPI) prononcée par une faction rivale, dernier épisode de la lutte fratricide au sein du parti de Laurent Gbagbo à six mois de la présidentielle d’octobre.

Principal parti d’opposition, le FPI est divisé en deux camps : le premier veut concourir à la présidentielle d’octobre derrière M. N’Guessan, quand le second refuse un tel scénario et fait de la libération de l’ex-président Laurent Gbagbo "le coeur de la stratégie de lutte du parti".
Dans les affaires qui occupent le monde politique ivoirien et préoccupent les militants du FPI, c’est une fois de plus Pascal Affi N’Guessan auquel les juges donnent raison.
"La fronde est déboutée", s’est réjoui Mamadou Sanogo, un proche du président du FPI, Pascal Affi N’Guessan, qui avait saisi la justice pour invalider cette décision.

"Interdiction" est faite aux "frondeurs" "d’utiliser le logo et le sigle du FPI et de poser tout acte au nom du FPI sous peine d’amende de 10 millions de francs CFA (15.000 euros)" à chaque infraction, a poursuivi M. Sanogo.

"Oh honte! Affi n’a qu’aller prendre sa carte au RDR" (le parti au pouvoir, NDLR) ont réagi en choeur une centaine de militants, après la décision de la justice qui selon eux, "ne juge pas, mais exécute des ordres".

Michel Sery Gouagnon opposant à Affi a dénoncé une justice politique oeuvrant au profit du "boy du roi", le président du FPI, qui est accusé par ses adversaires de collusion avec le pouvoir. Pour Aboudramane Sangaré qui ne peut donc plus se prévaloir selon le juge, du titre de président par intérim du FPI le verdict rendu ne l’empêchera pas de s’adresser aux militants du parti d’opposition au nom de Laurent Ggagbo : « Personne ne pourra m’empêcher d’aller au contact des militants du FPI. Personne ne pourra m’empêcher d’aller à la rencontre des forces politiques et démocratiques pour sauver la Côte d’Ivoire. »

« Il s’agit d’une justice aux ordres du pouvoir », estiment les opposants à Pascal Affi N’Guessan qui voient là une collusion entre le président du parti d’opposition socialiste et le pouvoir en place pour mieux mettre de côté une partie du FPI dans le paysage politique ivoirien.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Muslim dictator Alassane Ouattara

Alassane Ouattara is Muslim. He represents the northern rural area which has a large illegal alien migrant worker population. Laurent  Gbagbo is Christian.  He represents Ivorian citizens in the south who built the country up to what it is today. Ouattara was elected by means of "ACORN" voting tactics, such as illegals voting, multiple votes per person, and fictitious voters getting ballots in the South, a stronghold for Ouattara’s rebels and armed militias since September of 2002. Gbagbo refused to recognize this corrupt election, as any good politician would have done. April 11, 2011 is the day France and the international community ousted the [most] legit government headed by a Roman Catholic ( Laurent Gbagbo ) and installed a Muslim dictator ( Alassane Ouattara ). Laurent Gbagbo was captured by French special forces April 11, 2011 because he refused to accept the results of a fraudulent vote staged and certified by France and its allies. He was deported to the International Criminal Court in the Hague awaiting trial for so-called crimes against humanity. " From the onset of his term, Laurent Gbagbo was constantly defending his regime from attacks " said Gildas Le Lidec, former French ambassador in Ivory Coast. "Unfortunately, he never had a chance to rule" he added. France and the international community helped Ivory Coast about as much as they helped Libya, Syria, and Egypt . How can the grateful people of the MidEast and Ivory Coast ever repay the benevolent France and the international community ... from whom all blessings flow !

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Abidjan - (Ivory Coast): Arrest of "yet" another major opposition militant

Abidjan ( Ivory Coast ): Arrest of  " yet " another major opposition leader.

The influential head of women of the main political party, Ivorian Popular Front (FPI), the party of former President Laurent Gbagbo (the legit government overthrown by the international community), was arrested last week during a demonstration, said her lawyer Me Toussaint Dako.

"The charges against her are not yet known," he told the local media.

The arrest of Marie-Odette Lourougnon, whose aura among women of the Ivorian Popular Front (FPI) is supplanted by that of the former first lady Simone Gbagbo, is related to the fratricidal war that is tearing up the party.

Friday, Ms. Lourougnon was arrested with five other activists while protesting outside the headquarters of the newspaper "Notre Voie", an organ of the party hijacked by the government of President Ouattara in favor of Lorougnon's rival Pascal Affi N'Guessan.

Main opposition party, the Ivorian Popular Front (FPI) is divided into two camps: one wants to compete in the presidential election of October behind Affi N'Guessan, but the second rejects this scenario and made the release of former President Laurent Gbagbo "the heart of the party's control strategy."

Laurent Gbagbo is jailed since late 2011 in The Hague, where he is to be tried by the International Criminal Court for "crimes against humanity" allegedly committed during the crisis resulting from his refusal to accept the results of a fraudulent vote in which France declared winner the current President Alassane Ouattara. Ouattara was elected in 2010 by means of fraudulent voting tactics, such as illegals voting, multiple votes per person, and fictitious voters getting ballots in the North, a stronghold for Ouattara’s rebels and armed militias since September of 2002. Gbagbo refused to recognize this corrupt election, as any good politician would have done.