Monday, December 26, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Obama's contradictions
He wants Assad out
but embraces OUATTARA who's forces killed and continue to slaughter hundreds of people in IvoryCoast
but embraces OUATTARA who's forces killed and continue to slaughter hundreds of people in IvoryCoast
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
August 12, 2011
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, today condemned rebel leader Alasane Ouattara and his regime for continuing to sanction or allow extrajudicial killings in Cote d’Ivoire, as well as exclusively prosecuting former supporters of President Laurent Gbagbo, including a priest.
“These are more examples of rebel leader Ouattara’s brutal regime that is now taking revenge on supporters of President Gbagbo,” said Inhofe. “Instead of Ouattara’s professed promise to seek reconciliation in Cote d’Ivoire, he is systematically eliminating any perceived opposition – including priests.
“I again call upon our State Department to take actions to stop the killings and arrests in Cote d’Ivoire. They have the means to do so, starting with persuading Ouattara to release these individuals. Our State Department can also encourage Ouattara to allow the clandestinely imprisoned President Gbagbo and his wife Simone to go into exile. This would send a signal that true reconciliation can begin and that the killings in the streets must end.”
Radio France International, citing the United Nations, reports that there have been 26 extrajudicial killings in Côte d'Ivoire over the past four weeks, most committed by supporters of Ouattara. The report goes on to point out that the 26 killed, including a 17-month-old child, were shot dead in the western village of Duékoué and central-western Daloa areas, populated by supporters of Gbagbo.
Additionally, Reuters reports that Pascal Affi N'Guessan, former head of President Gbagbo's party, and 11 others have been charged by Noel Dje, Ouattara’s State Prosecutor, with violating state security for backing President’s Gbagbo’s refusal to concede last year’s fraud-tainted presidential election. They are now in jail joining 15 other Gbagbo supporters arrested by Ouattara in June, that include former Prime Minister Gilbert Ake, Finance Minister Desire Dallo and Foreign Affairs Minister Alcide Djedje.
Reuters also reports that an arrest warrant has been issued for an evangelical pastor who publically expressed support for Gbagbo.
According to reports, “critics complain that not one of Ouattara's men has been detained, despite evidence that they too committed abuses.”
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Le gouvernement Ouattara a promis à plusieurs reprises de rompre avec le passé, époque pendant laquelle les forces de sécurité étaient au-dessus de la loi. Et pourtant, plutôt que de créer une armée susceptible de respecter l’État de droit, M. Ouattara a décerné des promotions à des hommes qui étaient à des postes de commandement lorsque des atrocités étaient commises et qui devraient faire l’objet d’enquêtes au lieu de recevoir des récompenses. »
Daniel Bekele, directeur de la division Afrique à Human Rights Watch
(Washington, le 5 août 2011) – Les promotions dont viennent de bénéficier en Côte d’Ivoire deux officiers supérieurs fortement soupçonnés d’être impliqués dans de graves crimes suscitent de sérieuses inquiétudes quant à la réalité de l’engagement du président Alassane Ouattara à mettre fin à l’impunité et à rendre justice aux victimes, a déclaré Human Rights Watch aujourd’hui.
Le 3 août 2011, le président Ouattara a approuvé la promotion de Chérif Ousmane au poste de commandant-en-second duGroupe de sécurité de la présidence de la République. Pendant la bataille finale pour le contrôle d’Abidjan, Ousmane était le chef des opérations des Forces républicaines dans le quartier de Yopougon, où de nombreuses personnes considérées comme des partisans de Laurent Gbagbo ont été victimes d’exécutions extrajudiciaires.
M. Ouattara a également nommé Martin Kouakou Fofié chef de la Compagnie territorialebasée dans la ville de Korhogo, dans le nord du pays. Fofié est l’un des trois individus à avoir été inscrits sur la liste des personnes sanctionnées par le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies en 2006, pour avoir commandé des forces ayant commis de graves violations des droits humains et du droit humanitaire international.
« Le gouvernement Ouattara a promis à plusieurs reprises de rompre avec le passé, époque pendant laquelle les forces de sécurité étaient au-dessus de la loi » a déclaré Daniel Bekele, directeur de la division Afrique à Human Rights Watch. « Et pourtant, plutôt que de créer une armée susceptible de respecter l’État de droit, M. Ouattara a décerné des promotions à des hommes qui étaient à des postes de commandement lorsque des atrocités étaient commises et qui devraient faire l’objet d’enquêtes au lieu de recevoir des récompenses. »
Plus de 3000 civils ont été tués et plus de 150 femmes ont été violées pendant les six mois de violences consécutives au refus de l’ancien président Gbagbo de reconnaître les résultats de l’élection présidentielle de novembre 2010, selon lesquels M. Ouattara était le vainqueur.
En dépit de fréquentes promesses d’une justice impartiale, le gouvernement Ouattara n’a inculpé aucun membre des Forces républicaines – les troupes qui l’ont soutenu dans ses efforts pour écarter M. Gbagbo du pouvoir et qui constituent désormais l’armée du pays – pour les graves crimes commis durant la période post-électorale. En revanche, plus de 70 responsables du camp Gbagbo ont été inculpés par des procureurs civils ou militaires.
Human Rights Watch, une commission internationale d’enquête mise sur pied par le Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies, la Division des droits de l’homme de l’Opération des Nations Unies en Côte d’Ivoire (ONUCI), Amnesty International et la Fédération internationale pour les droits de l’homme ont toutes documenté des cas de crimes de guerre et d’actes pouvant être considérés comme des crimes contre l’humanité, commis par les forces des deux camps.
Le 3 août, M. Ouattara a officiellement affecté à des unités de l’armée ivoirienne intégrée de nombreux hommes qui avaient longtemps tenu des postes de commandement au sein de l’ancienne armée rebelle, lesForces Nouvelles. Les officiers et soldats des Forces Nouvelles constituaient la grande majorité des Forces Républicaines créées par M. Ouattara dans un décret de mars 2011. Un mois plus tard, le 11 avril, les Forces Républicaines ont arrêté M. Gbagbo et installé M. Ouattara au pouvoir, bien que les combats se soient poursuivis pendant plusieurs semaines.
La promotion d’Ousmane suscite des préoccupations quant à l’impartialité de l’armée. Un soldat ayant appartenu à la « Compagnie Guépard » qu’il commandait a affirmé à Human Rights Watch qu’Ousmane avait lui-même ordonné l’exécution de 29 prisonniers début mai, un jour qu’il était furieux d’avoir perdu plusieurs soldats dans les combats. Ousmane a longtemps été le commandant des Forces Nouvelles à Bouaké.
Fofié, qui était le commandant de la zone rebelle basé à Korhogo en 2006, est le seul membre des Forces Nouvelles à avoir été inscrit sur la liste des personnes sanctionnées par l’ONU cette année-là. Dans son exposé des raisons pour lesquelles il était frappé d’une interdiction de voyager et d’un gel de ses avoirs à l’étranger, qui sont toujours en vigueur, le Comité des sanctions du Conseil de sécurité avait affirmé:
Les forces placées sous son commandement ont recruté des enfants soldats, commis des enlèvements, soumis des personnes au travail forcé, abusé sexuellement de femmes, effectué des arrestations arbitraires et commis des meurtres extrajudiciaires, tous actes contraires aux conventions sur les droits humains et au droit humanitaire international.
En outre, selon un rapport rédigé à l’époque par IRIN, un service d’information géré par le responsable du Bureau de coordination des affaires humanitaires de l’ONU, il ressort que:
Selon l’ONU, Fofié serait en partie responsable de l’une des plus graves violations des droits de l’homme enregistrées au cours du [premier] conflit [ivoirien]. En juin 2004, un conflit de leadership au sein du mouvement rebelle […] se termine par des affrontements entre factions rebelles. Les hommes de Fofié répriment sévèrement l’insurrection dans la ville de Korhogo et arrêtent de nombreux combattants dissidents. Quelques jours plus tard, les forces françaises de maintien de la paix signalent la présence d’une centaine de 100 corps à la morgue de la ville. D’autres victimes de cette répression ont également été découvertes aux alentours de Korhogo, les mains liées et exécutées d’une balle dans la tête. En juillet, une équipe d’enquêteurs de l’ONU spécialistes des droits de l’homme découvre près de Korhogo une fosse commune contenant au moins 99 corps. L’enquête conclut qu’au moins 60 de ces victimes sont mortes asphyxiées, après plusieurs jours de détention dans des conteneurs scellés, sans eau ni nourriture.
« Même comparé à la conduite de l’ancienne armée rebelle, le comportement de Fofié s’est révélé particulièrement épouvantable, ce qui a contraint le Conseil de sécurité à agir », a ajouté Daniel Bekele. « Son intégration dans la nouvelle armée de la Côte d’Ivoire se fait au mépris des nombreuses victimes de ses forces, y compris des enfants enrôlés comme soldats sous son commandement. »
Le 3 août 2011, le président Ouattara a approuvé la promotion de Chérif Ousmane au poste de commandant-en-second duGroupe de sécurité de la présidence de la République. Pendant la bataille finale pour le contrôle d’Abidjan, Ousmane était le chef des opérations des Forces républicaines dans le quartier de Yopougon, où de nombreuses personnes considérées comme des partisans de Laurent Gbagbo ont été victimes d’exécutions extrajudiciaires.
M. Ouattara a également nommé Martin Kouakou Fofié chef de la Compagnie territorialebasée dans la ville de Korhogo, dans le nord du pays. Fofié est l’un des trois individus à avoir été inscrits sur la liste des personnes sanctionnées par le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies en 2006, pour avoir commandé des forces ayant commis de graves violations des droits humains et du droit humanitaire international.
« Le gouvernement Ouattara a promis à plusieurs reprises de rompre avec le passé, époque pendant laquelle les forces de sécurité étaient au-dessus de la loi » a déclaré Daniel Bekele, directeur de la division Afrique à Human Rights Watch. « Et pourtant, plutôt que de créer une armée susceptible de respecter l’État de droit, M. Ouattara a décerné des promotions à des hommes qui étaient à des postes de commandement lorsque des atrocités étaient commises et qui devraient faire l’objet d’enquêtes au lieu de recevoir des récompenses. »
Plus de 3000 civils ont été tués et plus de 150 femmes ont été violées pendant les six mois de violences consécutives au refus de l’ancien président Gbagbo de reconnaître les résultats de l’élection présidentielle de novembre 2010, selon lesquels M. Ouattara était le vainqueur.
En dépit de fréquentes promesses d’une justice impartiale, le gouvernement Ouattara n’a inculpé aucun membre des Forces républicaines – les troupes qui l’ont soutenu dans ses efforts pour écarter M. Gbagbo du pouvoir et qui constituent désormais l’armée du pays – pour les graves crimes commis durant la période post-électorale. En revanche, plus de 70 responsables du camp Gbagbo ont été inculpés par des procureurs civils ou militaires.
Human Rights Watch, une commission internationale d’enquête mise sur pied par le Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies, la Division des droits de l’homme de l’Opération des Nations Unies en Côte d’Ivoire (ONUCI), Amnesty International et la Fédération internationale pour les droits de l’homme ont toutes documenté des cas de crimes de guerre et d’actes pouvant être considérés comme des crimes contre l’humanité, commis par les forces des deux camps.
Le 3 août, M. Ouattara a officiellement affecté à des unités de l’armée ivoirienne intégrée de nombreux hommes qui avaient longtemps tenu des postes de commandement au sein de l’ancienne armée rebelle, lesForces Nouvelles. Les officiers et soldats des Forces Nouvelles constituaient la grande majorité des Forces Républicaines créées par M. Ouattara dans un décret de mars 2011. Un mois plus tard, le 11 avril, les Forces Républicaines ont arrêté M. Gbagbo et installé M. Ouattara au pouvoir, bien que les combats se soient poursuivis pendant plusieurs semaines.
La promotion d’Ousmane suscite des préoccupations quant à l’impartialité de l’armée. Un soldat ayant appartenu à la « Compagnie Guépard » qu’il commandait a affirmé à Human Rights Watch qu’Ousmane avait lui-même ordonné l’exécution de 29 prisonniers début mai, un jour qu’il était furieux d’avoir perdu plusieurs soldats dans les combats. Ousmane a longtemps été le commandant des Forces Nouvelles à Bouaké.
Fofié, qui était le commandant de la zone rebelle basé à Korhogo en 2006, est le seul membre des Forces Nouvelles à avoir été inscrit sur la liste des personnes sanctionnées par l’ONU cette année-là. Dans son exposé des raisons pour lesquelles il était frappé d’une interdiction de voyager et d’un gel de ses avoirs à l’étranger, qui sont toujours en vigueur, le Comité des sanctions du Conseil de sécurité avait affirmé:
Les forces placées sous son commandement ont recruté des enfants soldats, commis des enlèvements, soumis des personnes au travail forcé, abusé sexuellement de femmes, effectué des arrestations arbitraires et commis des meurtres extrajudiciaires, tous actes contraires aux conventions sur les droits humains et au droit humanitaire international.
En outre, selon un rapport rédigé à l’époque par IRIN, un service d’information géré par le responsable du Bureau de coordination des affaires humanitaires de l’ONU, il ressort que:
Selon l’ONU, Fofié serait en partie responsable de l’une des plus graves violations des droits de l’homme enregistrées au cours du [premier] conflit [ivoirien]. En juin 2004, un conflit de leadership au sein du mouvement rebelle […] se termine par des affrontements entre factions rebelles. Les hommes de Fofié répriment sévèrement l’insurrection dans la ville de Korhogo et arrêtent de nombreux combattants dissidents. Quelques jours plus tard, les forces françaises de maintien de la paix signalent la présence d’une centaine de 100 corps à la morgue de la ville. D’autres victimes de cette répression ont également été découvertes aux alentours de Korhogo, les mains liées et exécutées d’une balle dans la tête. En juillet, une équipe d’enquêteurs de l’ONU spécialistes des droits de l’homme découvre près de Korhogo une fosse commune contenant au moins 99 corps. L’enquête conclut qu’au moins 60 de ces victimes sont mortes asphyxiées, après plusieurs jours de détention dans des conteneurs scellés, sans eau ni nourriture.
« Même comparé à la conduite de l’ancienne armée rebelle, le comportement de Fofié s’est révélé particulièrement épouvantable, ce qui a contraint le Conseil de sécurité à agir », a ajouté Daniel Bekele. « Son intégration dans la nouvelle armée de la Côte d’Ivoire se fait au mépris des nombreuses victimes de ses forces, y compris des enfants enrôlés comme soldats sous son commandement. »
Voici le plat qui a ete servi pour justifier le genocide de 2002-present
August 28, 2001
Leading government officials in Côte D'Ivoire have incited a violent xenophobia that is threatening to destabilize the country, Human Rights Watch charged in a new report released today. The World Conference Against Racism, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance, which begins in Durban on August 31, should condemn the Ivorian leaders who have promoted intolerance based on ethnic and religious differences. The 70-page report, The New Racism: The Political Manipulation of Ethnicity in Côte d'Ivoire, describes atrocities committed during presidential and parliamentary elections in October and December 2000, and is based on extensive interviews of victims and witnesses in Abidjan in late 2000 and early 2001. The report documents more than 200 killings, as well as torture, rape, and arbitrary detention. The political and social climate remains volatile today as intolerance and xenophobia continue to shape daily life.The election violence began with security forces targeting civilians on the basis of these political affiliation. Following Gbagbo's victory, security forces began targeting civilians solely and explicitly on the basis of their religion, ethnic group, or national origin. The overwhelming majority of victims come from the largely Muslim north of the country, or are immigrants or the descendants of immigrants to Côte d'Ivoire. About one-quarter of the population of Cote d'Ivoire was born abroad or is descended from immigrants. Opposition leader Alassane Ouattara and his party, the Rassemblement des Republicains (RDR), largely draw their support from these groups. 70pp, 7.00
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Human rights violations in CI
Extrajudicial executions carried out in Côte d’Ivoire, UN reports
Guillaume Ngefa, UNOCI's acting human rights chief
Twenty-six extrajudicial executions in Côte d'Ivoire, including that of a 17-month-old baby, and 100 other human rights abuses were perpetrated in the past month, as the country recovers from its former president’s abortive effort to stay in power, a senior United Nations official said today. But the security situation in Abidjan, the main city, has improved, Guillaume Ngefa, the acting human rights chief in the UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), told a news conference in the city that was a focal point of months of deadly violence when Laurent Gbagbo refused to step down after losing last year’s UN-certified election to Alassane Ouattara, who was finally installed as president in April.
“Violations committed include proven cases of summary, extrajudicial executions, illegal arrests and detention, the freeing of people in return for cash, extortion, and criminal rackets against numerous drivers,” he said of the abuses perpetrated in the south of the country, which was divided into a Government-held south and a rebel-controlled north following a civil war in 2002. The election won by Mr. Ouattara reunited the country again.
Mr. Ngefa also voiced concern at violent clashes between the army and young villagers in several areas, denouncing “acts of intimidation, extortion and numerous obstacles to free movement committed by army elements.”
Citing cruel and inhuman treatment and violation of property rights, he said similar abuses had also been perpetrated against ethnic groups, such as the Bété, Bakwé, Attié and Ebrié.
In the north of the country Mr. Ngefa cited routine rights abuses such as criminal rackets and arbitrary arrests, deploring the fact that State functions such as tax collection, mining and customs still remain in the hands of army elements which justify “this kind of ransom” by claiming it is their sole source of revenue and they do not intend to end it.
As to the former regime members who are now in detention in the north, whom he visited last week, he said that Mr. Gbagbo, his wife and nearly 40 other officials did not complain of any torture but there was room for improvement in the hygienic and physical conditions of their various detentions centres where the walls leak during the rains.
In another development, as part of its effort to disarm the warring factions outside the regular army, UNOCI yesterday collected the weapons and munitions of nearly 90 members of the Ouermi Amadé group some 540 kilometres northwest of Abidjan.
The mission, which with some 10,000 uniformed personnel on the ground has been supporting stabilization and reunification efforts in Côte d’Ivoire over the past seven years, launched its disarmament, demobilization and reintegration operation last month to make the country peaceful and secure, urging those with arms in the various communities to hand them in.
“Violations committed include proven cases of summary, extrajudicial executions, illegal arrests and detention, the freeing of people in return for cash, extortion, and criminal rackets against numerous drivers,” he said of the abuses perpetrated in the south of the country, which was divided into a Government-held south and a rebel-controlled north following a civil war in 2002. The election won by Mr. Ouattara reunited the country again.
Mr. Ngefa also voiced concern at violent clashes between the army and young villagers in several areas, denouncing “acts of intimidation, extortion and numerous obstacles to free movement committed by army elements.”
Citing cruel and inhuman treatment and violation of property rights, he said similar abuses had also been perpetrated against ethnic groups, such as the Bété, Bakwé, Attié and Ebrié.
In the north of the country Mr. Ngefa cited routine rights abuses such as criminal rackets and arbitrary arrests, deploring the fact that State functions such as tax collection, mining and customs still remain in the hands of army elements which justify “this kind of ransom” by claiming it is their sole source of revenue and they do not intend to end it.
As to the former regime members who are now in detention in the north, whom he visited last week, he said that Mr. Gbagbo, his wife and nearly 40 other officials did not complain of any torture but there was room for improvement in the hygienic and physical conditions of their various detentions centres where the walls leak during the rains.
In another development, as part of its effort to disarm the warring factions outside the regular army, UNOCI yesterday collected the weapons and munitions of nearly 90 members of the Ouermi Amadé group some 540 kilometres northwest of Abidjan.
The mission, which with some 10,000 uniformed personnel on the ground has been supporting stabilization and reunification efforts in Côte d’Ivoire over the past seven years, launched its disarmament, demobilization and reintegration operation last month to make the country peaceful and secure, urging those with arms in the various communities to hand them in.
violations des droits de l'homme en CI
11 août 2011 - Vingt-six exécutions extrajudiciaires en Côte d'Ivoire, y compris celle d'un bébé de 17 mois, et 100 autres violations des droits humains ont été perpétrées au cours du mois passé, alors que le pays se remet de l'effort avorté de son ancien président à rester au pouvoir, un haut fonctionnaire des Nations Unies, a déclaré aujourd'hui. "Les violations commises comprennent les cas avérés d'exécutions sommaires, les exécutions extrajudiciaires, arrestations et détentions illégales, la libération des personnes en échange d'argent, l'extorsion et raquettes criminelles contre de nombreux chauffeurs"
M. Ngefa a également exprimé son inquiétude aux violents affrontements entre l'armée et de jeunes villageois dans plusieurs domaines, dénonçant "les actes d'intimidation, d'extorsion et de nombreux obstacles à la libre circulation commises par des éléments de l'armée."
Citant un traitement cruel et inhumain et une violation des droits de propriété, il a dit des abus similaires avaient également été perpétrés contre des groupes ethniques, tels que les Bété, bakwé, Attié et Ebrié.
Dans le nord du pays de M. Ngefa a cité les violations des droits de routine telles que les raquettes criminelles et des arrestations arbitraires, déplorant le fait que les fonctions de l'État telles que la perception des impôts, les mines et les douanes restent dans les mains des éléments de l'armée qui justifient «ce genre de rançon »en affirmant que c'est leur seule source de revenus et ils n'ont pas l'intention d'y mettre fin.
Dans un autre développement, dans le cadre de ses efforts pour désarmer les factions belligérantes en dehors de l'armée régulière, hier, l'ONUCI a recueilli les armes et de munitions de près de 90 membres du groupe Ouermi Amadé quelque 540 kilomètres au nord d'Abidjan.
M. Ngefa a également exprimé son inquiétude aux violents affrontements entre l'armée et de jeunes villageois dans plusieurs domaines, dénonçant "les actes d'intimidation, d'extorsion et de nombreux obstacles à la libre circulation commises par des éléments de l'armée."
Citant un traitement cruel et inhumain et une violation des droits de propriété, il a dit des abus similaires avaient également été perpétrés contre des groupes ethniques, tels que les Bété, bakwé, Attié et Ebrié.
Dans le nord du pays de M. Ngefa a cité les violations des droits de routine telles que les raquettes criminelles et des arrestations arbitraires, déplorant le fait que les fonctions de l'État telles que la perception des impôts, les mines et les douanes restent dans les mains des éléments de l'armée qui justifient «ce genre de rançon »en affirmant que c'est leur seule source de revenus et ils n'ont pas l'intention d'y mettre fin.
Dans un autre développement, dans le cadre de ses efforts pour désarmer les factions belligérantes en dehors de l'armée régulière, hier, l'ONUCI a recueilli les armes et de munitions de près de 90 membres du groupe Ouermi Amadé quelque 540 kilomètres au nord d'Abidjan.
Le pot que la France sert a la CI
Rififi dans la nouvelle armee / Échange de tirs entre éléments des FRCI, Un soldat blessé, Les raisons du clash
Source : L'Inter : Dernière Mise à jour : 11/08/2011 (Auteur : Y DOUMBIA )
Lu : 415 fois
Source : L'Inter : Dernière Mise à jour : 11/08/2011 (Auteur : Y DOUMBIA )
Lu : 415 fois
Des éléments des Forces républicaines de Côte d'Ivoire (FRCI) se sont tiré dessus hier mercredi 10 août 2011 à Marcory Zone 4, au domicile de Alini Marwan, opérateur économique vivant en Côte d'Ivoire. Quand nous sommes arrivés sur les lieux hier, le domicile de M Marwan était occupé par des hommes en treillis, armés de kalachnikov. Sa famille et ses connaissances trouvées sur place étaient encore sous le choc. La peur se lisait sur tous les visages. « On vit une situation d'insécurité totale dans un pays où la justice n'arrive pas à s'exprimer », lâche amer, Soudan Rohan, fils de Soudan Ghassan, associé à Alini Marwan dans la gestion d'une grande entreprise privée de la place. Il nous raconte en quelques mots ce qui s'est passé chez eux. « Courant février, Soudan Fayez (associé à Soudan Ghassan et Alini Marwan, actionnaires majoritaires) instruit une action en justice contre M Marwan pour l'arrêter. Ainsi, il pourra convoquer une réunion du Conseil d'administration pour mettre la main sur la société. Comme son action n'a pas marché, il a intenté une autre action civile pour obtenir la nomination d'un administrateur provisoire. Cette action a été déboutée le 29 juillet dernier à la Cour d'appel », nous confie-t-il, avant de poursuivre: « depuis près de trois mois, ils (Fayez et les actionnaires minoritaires que sont Soudan Rafik et Sabré Rafik) ne cessent d'intenter des actions contre nous pour obtenir qu'on soit mis en prison, ne serait-ce que 20 jours, pour convoquer une réunion du Conseil d'administration dans le but de nous spolier de notre entreprise ». Aux yeux de Soudan Rohan, les associés de son père ne cessent de les accuser de détournement sans apporter de preuve. « Aujourd'hui (NDLR: hier), nous voyons débarquer chez nous des éléments de la Police judiciaire (PJ) accompagnés d'une cinquantaine d'éléments des FRCI appartenant à l'unité du « Commandant » Sansan, en possession d'un mandat d'emmener sans convocation. Ils n'avaient qu'une liste comportant des noms », a-t-il soutenu. La descente des FRCI et des éléments de la PJ au domicile de M Marwan laisse des traces. Nous découvrons des impacts de balle sur le mur de la maison, preuve que des tirs ont été libérés sur les lieux. Nous découvrons également un élément des FRCI, prénommé « Robot », blessé à la tête à la suite d'un échange de tirs entre les éléments du Commandant Koné Zakaria, qui patrouillaient dans la zone et ceux du « Commandant » Sansan sur les lieux. « Ils (éléments de Sansan) ont emporté deux ordinateurs portables, cassé des caméras de surveillance, vidé les poches du fils de Marwan et emporté 5 millions de FCFA », soutient Soudan Rohan. Au domicile de M Marwan, nous nous entretenons avec des éléments des FRCI venus en renfort de l'état-major. Selon l'un deux, qui a préféré garder l'anonymat, lorsque les éléments de Sansan sont arrivés sur les lieux, Koné Zakaria, informé et dans la zone, est intervenu également. Il sera rejoint par l'ambassadeur de la Palestine en Côte d'Ivoire, « qui est un ami de la famille », selon les informations recueillies sur place. Plus tard, débarquent au domicile de M Marwan, « le Commandant » Zanga de l'état-major, lui aussi accompagné de M Soudan Fayez et de Rafik Soudan, les adversaires de Marwan Alini et Ghassan Soudan. Tous sont embarqués, avec l'adjoint de Sansan, en l'occurrence M Assalé pour le palais présidentiel. « Il (Zakaria) a interpellé les éléments de Sansan et de la police qu'il a embarqués pour la Présidence », nous a déclaré un élément des FRCI au domicile de M Marwan. Des éléments de Sansan, nous a-t-on confié, invités à se rendre à l'état-major pour clarifier cette situation, s'opposent. A une trentaine de mètres du domicile de M Marwan, les éléments du « Commandant » Sansan refusent de bouger et bloquent la circulation. Le nommé Robot, dont nous parlions plus haut et qui appartient à l'unité de Koné Zakaria, s'énerve. Il veut forcer les éléments de Sansan à obtempérer. Manque de pot pour lui, un élément de Sansan libère des tirs de kalachnikov pour l'effrayer. Robot sort également son arme pour répliquer. Des échanges de coups de feu éclatent, obligeant les riverains à se terrer chez eux aux environs de 15h30. « Robot » frôle la mort, puisqu'une balle lui frôle la nuque. Ensanglanté, il est immédiatement conduit dans une clinique de la place non loin des lieux. Il est soigné et rejoint aussitôt le domicile des Marwan. Nous l'avons aperçu avec un tee-shirt imbibé de sang, assisté d'un médecin. Quelques instants plus tard, des éléments de l'Onuci débarquent, puis repartent aussitôt. Pour éviter qu'un autre affrontement ne se reproduise, Koné Zakaria a laissé quelques uns de ses éléments sur place. En quittant le domicile des Marwan, ceux-ci veillaient au grain, déterminés à empêcher une autre descente des éléments du « Commandant » Sansan, lui-même placé sous l'autorité du Commandant Wattao.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Series of Appealing Scandals
Sarkozy's government has also dropped a series of appealing scandals in Canard's lap. In one case, a state secretary spent €12,000 of French taxpayer money on cigars. Another state secretary used fake measurements and the help of a fellow party member to secure a construction permit for his vacation house in St. Tropez.
A journalist for Canard photographed the property, checked the floor plan and square footage and spent two weeks sifting through documents at the local land registry office. The resulting exposé led to the state secretary's resignation -- a rarity in France, a country where the press has long cultivated an unhealthy proximity to the powerful.
It is also a country in which the largest private television network, TF1, belongs to a friend of the president and the government television network, France 2, has to fear for its existence when its reporting is overly critical. The large daily newspapers have been losing influence for years. The ailing Le Monde, for example, has seen its circulation steadily decline, while the once combatively leftist Libération barely manages to publish 120,000 copies a day. Le Figaro, the third national daily newspaper of any significance, is owned by industrialist Serge Dassault, a close friend of Sarkozy.
Sarkozy's government has also dropped a series of appealing scandals in Canard's lap. In one case, a state secretary spent €12,000 of French taxpayer money on cigars. Another state secretary used fake measurements and the help of a fellow party member to secure a construction permit for his vacation house in St. Tropez.
A journalist for Canard photographed the property, checked the floor plan and square footage and spent two weeks sifting through documents at the local land registry office. The resulting exposé led to the state secretary's resignation -- a rarity in France, a country where the press has long cultivated an unhealthy proximity to the powerful.
It is also a country in which the largest private television network, TF1, belongs to a friend of the president and the government television network, France 2, has to fear for its existence when its reporting is overly critical. The large daily newspapers have been losing influence for years. The ailing Le Monde, for example, has seen its circulation steadily decline, while the once combatively leftist Libération barely manages to publish 120,000 copies a day. Le Figaro, the third national daily newspaper of any significance, is owned by industrialist Serge Dassault, a close friend of Sarkozy.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Soldiers of Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire (FRCI) besieged the village of Broudoume, the sub prefecture of Ouragahio (west region Bete, ethnicity of former President Laurent Gbagbo), threatening to burn down the village into the night if the villagers who retreated in the bushes (with 6 of them shot), do not hand over a youngster the soldiers are looking for fighting with one of them, said a villager.
Broudoumé populations have fled the village after a raid of muscular FRCI called in reinforcements from one of them who has a fight with a young villager on a military uniform, said a local source.
The FRCI fired upon arrival in the village, woundingg at least six , the source added.
According to the same source, the FRCI have ordered the villagers, who took refuge in the bush to hand over the youth in question before dark, otherwise the village will be burned down.
International organizations including Amnesty International, often decry abuses in several locations including those in favor of the former Head of State Laurent Gbagbo by FRCI, President Ouattara army, composed of former rebels.
Soldiers of Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire (FRCI) besieged the village of Broudoume, the sub prefecture of Ouragahio (west region Bete, ethnicity of former President Laurent Gbagbo), threatening to burn down the village into the night if the villagers who retreated in the bushes (with 6 of them shot), do not hand over a youngster the soldiers are looking for fighting with one of them, said a villager.
Broudoumé populations have fled the village after a raid of muscular FRCI called in reinforcements from one of them who has a fight with a young villager on a military uniform, said a local source.
The FRCI fired upon arrival in the village, woundingg at least six , the source added.
According to the same source, the FRCI have ordered the villagers, who took refuge in the bush to hand over the youth in question before dark, otherwise the village will be burned down.
International organizations including Amnesty International, often decry abuses in several locations including those in favor of the former Head of State Laurent Gbagbo by FRCI, President Ouattara army, composed of former rebels.
Les FRCI brulent des villages a Gagnoa
Des soldats des Forces républicaines de Côte d’Ivoire (FRCI) ont assiégé le village Broudoumé, de la sous préfecture de Ouragahio (ouest, région bété, ethnie de l’ex-président Laurent Gbagbo), menaçant de l’incendier dans la nuit si les villageois réfugiés en brousse avec 6 blessés par balles, ne leur remettent pas un jeune qu’ils recherchent pour s’être battu avec un des leurs, a confié un habitat.
Les populations de Broudoumé ont fuit le village suite à une descente musclée des FRCI appelées en renfort par un des leurs qui s’est bagarré avec un jeune villageois au sujet d’une tenue militaire, a indiqué une source locale.
Les FRCI ont tiré à leur arrivée dans le village, faisant au moins six blessés par balles, a ajouté la source.
Selon la même source, les FRCI ont sommé les villageois, réfugiés en brousse, de leur livrer le jeune mis en cause avant la nuit, sinon le village sera incendié.
Des organisations internationales dont Amnesty International, décrient très souvent des exactions commises dans plusieurs localités dont celles favorables à l’ancien chef de l’Etat Laurent Gbagbo par des FRCI, armée du président Ouattara, essentiellement composée d’ex-rebelles.
Des soldats des Forces républicaines de Côte d’Ivoire (FRCI) ont assiégé le village Broudoumé, de la sous préfecture de Ouragahio (ouest, région bété, ethnie de l’ex-président Laurent Gbagbo), menaçant de l’incendier dans la nuit si les villageois réfugiés en brousse avec 6 blessés par balles, ne leur remettent pas un jeune qu’ils recherchent pour s’être battu avec un des leurs, a confié un habitat.
Les populations de Broudoumé ont fuit le village suite à une descente musclée des FRCI appelées en renfort par un des leurs qui s’est bagarré avec un jeune villageois au sujet d’une tenue militaire, a indiqué une source locale.
Les FRCI ont tiré à leur arrivée dans le village, faisant au moins six blessés par balles, a ajouté la source.
Selon la même source, les FRCI ont sommé les villageois, réfugiés en brousse, de leur livrer le jeune mis en cause avant la nuit, sinon le village sera incendié.
Des organisations internationales dont Amnesty International, décrient très souvent des exactions commises dans plusieurs localités dont celles favorables à l’ancien chef de l’Etat Laurent Gbagbo par des FRCI, armée du président Ouattara, essentiellement composée d’ex-rebelles.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
How a democrat was ousted for a dictator
COTE D’IVOIRE: How the pro-Ouattara had prepared an offensive against Gbagbo
It only took four days for the Republican Forces of Côte d’Ivoire (FRCI) Alassane Ouattara to overthrow the balance of power with his rival, Laurent Gbagbo. Party on March 28 in western countries, FRCI had earlier taken control of towns and Toulépleu Bloléquin to cut off the Liberian militia recruited by the Gbagbo camp. The strategy of the President’s Men Ivorian recognized by the international community has allowed them to seize almost all of the country the evening of March 31. Come and put the seat in front of the residence and the presidential palace in Abidjan …
To ensure the success of the company, FRCI – new name given to the pro-Ouattara umbrella soldiers from the former rebel New Forces (FN) and a pro-Gbagbo “returned” or rallied – took the time to leave nothing to chance. “The case has been thoroughly prepared. Fini improvisation in September 2002 when the first military operation against Laurent Gbagbo. At the time, the rebels did not even using radio to communicate. Just phone satellite. Thus, at the headquarters of the gendarmerie camp of Agban in Abidjan, they were unable to prevent their comrades they were short of ammunition and had to give up …, “writes Christopher Boisbouvier in the last issue of the weekly “Jeune Afrique”. Distribution Equipment
preparations for the operation began after the call last December 16 by the camp Ouattara to walk on the Ivorian Radio and Television (RTI) in the upmarket Cocody, Abidjan, to install the new CEO of the chain. Refugees at the Hotel du Golf, where they were protected by UNOCI peacekeepers after the refusal of Laurent Gbagbo to concede defeat in the presidential election of November 28, Alassane Ouattara and his family then wanted to drop this holder strategic voice of propaganda of the supporters of outgoing president.
trying to pave the way for demonstrators blocked by a dam Defense Forces and Security (FDS) loyal to Laurent Gbagbo, the FN have been repulsed at once by machine gun and 20mm gun …
At the same time, they also tried to Tiebissou, a strategic town in the center of the country, between Bouake, rebel-held, and Yamoussoukro, the administrative capital of Ivory Coast, but there had also met strong resistance from SDS. “The forces in favor of Alassane Ouattara were then impressed with the firepower of the pro-Gbagbo. From there, they began to reorganize, initially with the hope that the ECOWAS [Economic Community of 'West Africa, Ed] would give them a helping hand “, decrypts an attentive observer of the Ivorian quagmire who prefers to remain anonymous.
reorganization, because they can ultimately rely on the support of the military organization of West Africa, begins with a distribution to the soldiers of equipment needed to mount the front. Many cases of arms and ammunition were actually discharged on the tarmac of the airport in Bouake in recent weeks. Others have also passed through the border in Burkina Faso, say informed sources that support their claims on return flights to Ouagadougou recurrent made by some leaders of FRCI. “Just look at the photos published these days in the press to see: the weapons of the pro-Ouattara are new!”, Is a journalist specializing in Africa based in Paris, contacted by FRANCE 24. RPG-7, RPG-9, Famas, ammunition …: material forwarded to the men of Alassane Ouattara also includes the night combat equipment, whose use has proved decisive in the capture of several towns in the west the country in late March.
his headquarters in Abidjan, the “Republic of Golf” derided by the Gbagbo camp does not neglect the training of its troops. A source close to the Ivorian military circles who wishes to remain anonymous for security reasons, the best of FRCI have followed training camps in Burkina Faso and Nigeria in recent months under the guidance of American instructors and French. Information that the French Ministry of Defence, joined by FRANCE 24, refused to comment, but that seems to confirm a “member of the intelligence services” hex quoted by Le Canard Enchaine this April 6: “We have provided tactical advice to FRCI “says one.
It is true that since the kidnapping of five French nationals working for Areva in Niger, in September last year, Paris has deployed a detachment of Special Operations Command (SOC) in Ouagadougou to hunt fighters of Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), the Sahel …
Always in the shadows at last, the camp began a Ouattara undermining forces loyal to Laurent Gbagbo. Building on the contacts he has forged in the military during the three years he spent in the Prime alongside Laurent Gbagbo between 2007 and 2010, Guillaume Soro, the former head of FN and Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara, has launched initiatives to try to return more officers of FDS. Apparently with some success: according to the same source Ivorian some “joined” have been associated with the development plan of attack by the western FRCI. While on the ground, the offensive remained in the hands of the “lords of the North”, the famous zone commanders who ran former FN – indeed – the regions conquered by the rebels since 2002.
It only took four days for the Republican Forces of Côte d’Ivoire (FRCI) Alassane Ouattara to overthrow the balance of power with his rival, Laurent Gbagbo. Party on March 28 in western countries, FRCI had earlier taken control of towns and Toulépleu Bloléquin to cut off the Liberian militia recruited by the Gbagbo camp. The strategy of the President’s Men Ivorian recognized by the international community has allowed them to seize almost all of the country the evening of March 31. Come and put the seat in front of the residence and the presidential palace in Abidjan …
To ensure the success of the company, FRCI – new name given to the pro-Ouattara umbrella soldiers from the former rebel New Forces (FN) and a pro-Gbagbo “returned” or rallied – took the time to leave nothing to chance. “The case has been thoroughly prepared. Fini improvisation in September 2002 when the first military operation against Laurent Gbagbo. At the time, the rebels did not even using radio to communicate. Just phone satellite. Thus, at the headquarters of the gendarmerie camp of Agban in Abidjan, they were unable to prevent their comrades they were short of ammunition and had to give up …, “writes Christopher Boisbouvier in the last issue of the weekly “Jeune Afrique”. Distribution Equipment
preparations for the operation began after the call last December 16 by the camp Ouattara to walk on the Ivorian Radio and Television (RTI) in the upmarket Cocody, Abidjan, to install the new CEO of the chain. Refugees at the Hotel du Golf, where they were protected by UNOCI peacekeepers after the refusal of Laurent Gbagbo to concede defeat in the presidential election of November 28, Alassane Ouattara and his family then wanted to drop this holder strategic voice of propaganda of the supporters of outgoing president.
trying to pave the way for demonstrators blocked by a dam Defense Forces and Security (FDS) loyal to Laurent Gbagbo, the FN have been repulsed at once by machine gun and 20mm gun …
At the same time, they also tried to Tiebissou, a strategic town in the center of the country, between Bouake, rebel-held, and Yamoussoukro, the administrative capital of Ivory Coast, but there had also met strong resistance from SDS. “The forces in favor of Alassane Ouattara were then impressed with the firepower of the pro-Gbagbo. From there, they began to reorganize, initially with the hope that the ECOWAS [Economic Community of 'West Africa, Ed] would give them a helping hand “, decrypts an attentive observer of the Ivorian quagmire who prefers to remain anonymous.
reorganization, because they can ultimately rely on the support of the military organization of West Africa, begins with a distribution to the soldiers of equipment needed to mount the front. Many cases of arms and ammunition were actually discharged on the tarmac of the airport in Bouake in recent weeks. Others have also passed through the border in Burkina Faso, say informed sources that support their claims on return flights to Ouagadougou recurrent made by some leaders of FRCI. “Just look at the photos published these days in the press to see: the weapons of the pro-Ouattara are new!”, Is a journalist specializing in Africa based in Paris, contacted by FRANCE 24. RPG-7, RPG-9, Famas, ammunition …: material forwarded to the men of Alassane Ouattara also includes the night combat equipment, whose use has proved decisive in the capture of several towns in the west the country in late March.
his headquarters in Abidjan, the “Republic of Golf” derided by the Gbagbo camp does not neglect the training of its troops. A source close to the Ivorian military circles who wishes to remain anonymous for security reasons, the best of FRCI have followed training camps in Burkina Faso and Nigeria in recent months under the guidance of American instructors and French. Information that the French Ministry of Defence, joined by FRANCE 24, refused to comment, but that seems to confirm a “member of the intelligence services” hex quoted by Le Canard Enchaine this April 6: “We have provided tactical advice to FRCI “says one.
It is true that since the kidnapping of five French nationals working for Areva in Niger, in September last year, Paris has deployed a detachment of Special Operations Command (SOC) in Ouagadougou to hunt fighters of Al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), the Sahel …
Always in the shadows at last, the camp began a Ouattara undermining forces loyal to Laurent Gbagbo. Building on the contacts he has forged in the military during the three years he spent in the Prime alongside Laurent Gbagbo between 2007 and 2010, Guillaume Soro, the former head of FN and Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara, has launched initiatives to try to return more officers of FDS. Apparently with some success: according to the same source Ivorian some “joined” have been associated with the development plan of attack by the western FRCI. While on the ground, the offensive remained in the hands of the “lords of the North”, the famous zone commanders who ran former FN – indeed – the regions conquered by the rebels since 2002.
They want to poison GBAGBO
Rumors of assassination of President Gbagbo, The strange silence of the regime OuattaraNotre-20/7/2011
The information is taken and distilled for a week on the Internet. She landed in a number of mailboxes and users to transfer it cheerfully. The authors say the information holding "sources close to some Western governments in Abidjan." She is persistent but the Ivorian power remains silent.The information is this: The Ambassadors "France and the U.S. have been asked to get their approval for a natural death of President Laurent Gbagbo in Korhogo under house arrest for nearly three months. It merely tells us that "the custodians of the palace of IvoryCoast, after analysis, have indicated to the two diplomats that it is almost impossible to govern Ivory Coast quietly with a leader the likes of Laurent Gbagbo in prison. They have added that too many of his supporters and military outside is a very high threat to the security of the Ivorian government. " So, from this alert on the net, the designers of the assassination of President Gbagbo are convinced that all Ivorians to the cause of ousted President April 11, 2011 by the French army is the hope of regaining state power to bring their champion to the highest office. To permanently destroy any hint of insurrection and bring in the Ivory Coast all the exiles, criminals who feed the idea of killing the former president believe, according to the information they need to remove the source of their hope. To do so, it would have been considered the death of President Laurent Gbagbo.But how? The strategy adopted is to cause natural death. To do so, it was decided to remove him from his personal physician to whom they have already indicated that he, Dr. Christopher Wheat, is not under house arrest but his patient. " The possibility he would be given back to his family and return to see his patient once a week. The physician, Dr. Christopher Wheat, has already agreed to the idea of seeing his nuclear family because his children are still in kindergarten and calling every day. "President Laurent Gbagbo is subject to regular monitoring of blood, this pernicious disease that would operate during the absence of his doctor, aggravating substances are added to a meal to ease the rising tension. So, slowly, the tension reaches a threshold of no return, which inevitably will cause natural death. An autopsy requested by his family will conclude that he died following an irreversible rise in blood: natural death. No one will know that the rise of tension was caused. In the turmoil, the medical staff would be subtracted to be protected in South Africa. Ordinary passport biometric was under garment as it will not use his diplomatic passport that requires a note verbale from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "says the serious charge on the Internet. The principle of this scheme have been arrested. "But the big question is the attitude of the personal physician of President Gbagbo. Would it be complicit in the design or is it proof of the naivety of a person who is offered a chance to see his wife and children after three months of captivity? ".Finally, the authors of this information on the Internet questioning in connection with recent events: "What if, in addition to previously reported aspects of this humiliating celebration of July 14 by Francois Fillon in the new French colony of Côte d'Ivoire The visit was hiding something? And if it were for Ouattara and Soro Fillon, as well as the ambassadors of France and the United States (...) to discuss in person, to avoid leaving any traces, to refine this diabolical plan to physically remove Gbagbo? All signs must be on high alert. For the French and their supporters today in Côte d'Ivoire, are capable of anything.
This information circulating on the net has quietly gained momentum with the transfer of persons close to President Gbagbo in Boundiali (900 km north of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire). Locked at the La Pergola New in Abidjan since the overthrow of President Gbagbo by the French army, 25 persons were conveyed by night to the north while the Minister of State, Justice Minister Alassane Ouattara was said they were waiting to be transferred to the Detention and Correction d'Abidjan (MACA) in repair until the end of this month. This brutal option to consolidate all political prisoners in Northern cities (Bouna, Katiola, Korhogo and Odienne) under the control of the rebellion of Alassane Ouattara since September 2002 has to say many observers that the new government took Ivorian Gbagbo and his family hostage for elusive goals. This leaves the field open to all the rumors, true or not.The most amazing thing in this case is that the plan is silent Ouattara deal with this information lying around everywhere in offices, homes and all the cyber cafes. It may be false, without any real basis, but more and more Ivorians are convinced that with Mr. Ouattara, the wildest rumors are always true: Beginning December 99, rumors of a coup had filled Abidjan. Bedie was overthrown on December 24 by the soldiers close to Ouattara, now an ally in the war against Gbagbo. In September 2002, rumors of a major military attack on the Côte d'Ivoire, from Burkina Faso, had enveloped the country. The editors of the daily Notre Voie had suffered the wrath of power then. He was accused of giving "alarming information that could deter investors." Assigned a rebellion by the warlord Zakaria Koné, Alassane Ouattara's rebels came from BURKINA FASO to cut IvoryCoast into two. As we approach the presidential election of November 2002, formalized by persistent rumors informants close to the DGSE (French secret service) had warned that without disarmament, France would organize the mess to overthrow Gbagbo. This is done since April 11, 2011. Finally, when the evaporation in the nature of the commander Abéhi Jean Noël, head of the armored squadron of the national police, while Abidjan had Rumours that the regime Ouattara, frightened, would transform the political prisoners as human shields to protect their power. This is done since Saturday, July 9, 2011, with the consolidation of all political prisoners in the north, in the cities of Korhogo, Odienné, Bouna and Katiola.So the rumors of "natural death of President Gbagbo scheduled to Korhogo" would it be able to confirm the exception of the rule? Let's see.
Cesar Etou
The information is taken and distilled for a week on the Internet. She landed in a number of mailboxes and users to transfer it cheerfully. The authors say the information holding "sources close to some Western governments in Abidjan." She is persistent but the Ivorian power remains silent.The information is this: The Ambassadors "France and the U.S. have been asked to get their approval for a natural death of President Laurent Gbagbo in Korhogo under house arrest for nearly three months. It merely tells us that "the custodians of the palace of IvoryCoast, after analysis, have indicated to the two diplomats that it is almost impossible to govern Ivory Coast quietly with a leader the likes of Laurent Gbagbo in prison. They have added that too many of his supporters and military outside is a very high threat to the security of the Ivorian government. " So, from this alert on the net, the designers of the assassination of President Gbagbo are convinced that all Ivorians to the cause of ousted President April 11, 2011 by the French army is the hope of regaining state power to bring their champion to the highest office. To permanently destroy any hint of insurrection and bring in the Ivory Coast all the exiles, criminals who feed the idea of killing the former president believe, according to the information they need to remove the source of their hope. To do so, it would have been considered the death of President Laurent Gbagbo.But how? The strategy adopted is to cause natural death. To do so, it was decided to remove him from his personal physician to whom they have already indicated that he, Dr. Christopher Wheat, is not under house arrest but his patient. " The possibility he would be given back to his family and return to see his patient once a week. The physician, Dr. Christopher Wheat, has already agreed to the idea of seeing his nuclear family because his children are still in kindergarten and calling every day. "President Laurent Gbagbo is subject to regular monitoring of blood, this pernicious disease that would operate during the absence of his doctor, aggravating substances are added to a meal to ease the rising tension. So, slowly, the tension reaches a threshold of no return, which inevitably will cause natural death. An autopsy requested by his family will conclude that he died following an irreversible rise in blood: natural death. No one will know that the rise of tension was caused. In the turmoil, the medical staff would be subtracted to be protected in South Africa. Ordinary passport biometric was under garment as it will not use his diplomatic passport that requires a note verbale from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "says the serious charge on the Internet. The principle of this scheme have been arrested. "But the big question is the attitude of the personal physician of President Gbagbo. Would it be complicit in the design or is it proof of the naivety of a person who is offered a chance to see his wife and children after three months of captivity? ".Finally, the authors of this information on the Internet questioning in connection with recent events: "What if, in addition to previously reported aspects of this humiliating celebration of July 14 by Francois Fillon in the new French colony of Côte d'Ivoire The visit was hiding something? And if it were for Ouattara and Soro Fillon, as well as the ambassadors of France and the United States (...) to discuss in person, to avoid leaving any traces, to refine this diabolical plan to physically remove Gbagbo? All signs must be on high alert. For the French and their supporters today in Côte d'Ivoire, are capable of anything.
This information circulating on the net has quietly gained momentum with the transfer of persons close to President Gbagbo in Boundiali (900 km north of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire). Locked at the La Pergola New in Abidjan since the overthrow of President Gbagbo by the French army, 25 persons were conveyed by night to the north while the Minister of State, Justice Minister Alassane Ouattara was said they were waiting to be transferred to the Detention and Correction d'Abidjan (MACA) in repair until the end of this month. This brutal option to consolidate all political prisoners in Northern cities (Bouna, Katiola, Korhogo and Odienne) under the control of the rebellion of Alassane Ouattara since September 2002 has to say many observers that the new government took Ivorian Gbagbo and his family hostage for elusive goals. This leaves the field open to all the rumors, true or not.The most amazing thing in this case is that the plan is silent Ouattara deal with this information lying around everywhere in offices, homes and all the cyber cafes. It may be false, without any real basis, but more and more Ivorians are convinced that with Mr. Ouattara, the wildest rumors are always true: Beginning December 99, rumors of a coup had filled Abidjan. Bedie was overthrown on December 24 by the soldiers close to Ouattara, now an ally in the war against Gbagbo. In September 2002, rumors of a major military attack on the Côte d'Ivoire, from Burkina Faso, had enveloped the country. The editors of the daily Notre Voie had suffered the wrath of power then. He was accused of giving "alarming information that could deter investors." Assigned a rebellion by the warlord Zakaria Koné, Alassane Ouattara's rebels came from BURKINA FASO to cut IvoryCoast into two. As we approach the presidential election of November 2002, formalized by persistent rumors informants close to the DGSE (French secret service) had warned that without disarmament, France would organize the mess to overthrow Gbagbo. This is done since April 11, 2011. Finally, when the evaporation in the nature of the commander Abéhi Jean Noël, head of the armored squadron of the national police, while Abidjan had Rumours that the regime Ouattara, frightened, would transform the political prisoners as human shields to protect their power. This is done since Saturday, July 9, 2011, with the consolidation of all political prisoners in the north, in the cities of Korhogo, Odienné, Bouna and Katiola.So the rumors of "natural death of President Gbagbo scheduled to Korhogo" would it be able to confirm the exception of the rule? Let's see.
Cesar Etou
They want to kill GBAGBO
Rumors of assassination of President Gbagbo, The strange silence of the regime OuattaraNotre-20/7/2011
The information is taken and distilled for a week on the Internet. She landed in a number of mailboxes and users to transfer it cheerfully. The authors say the information holding "sources close to some Western governments in Abidjan." She is persistent but the Ivorian power remains silent.The information is this: The Ambassadors "France and the U.S. have been asked to get their approval for a natural death of President Laurent Gbagbo in Korhogo under house arrest for nearly three months. It merely tells us that "the custodians of the palace of IvoryCoast, after analysis, have indicated to the two diplomats that it is almost impossible to govern Ivory Coast quietly with a leader the likes of Laurent Gbagbo in prison. They have added that too many of his supporters and military outside is a very high threat to the security of the Ivorian government. " So, from this alert on the net, the designers of the assassination of President Gbagbo are convinced that all Ivorians to the cause of ousted President April 11, 2011 by the French army is the hope of regaining state power to bring their champion to the highest office. To permanently destroy any hint of insurrection and bring in the Ivory Coast all the exiles, criminals who feed the idea of killing the former president believe, according to the information they need to remove the source of their hope. To do so, it would have been considered the death of President Laurent Gbagbo.But how? The strategy adopted is to cause natural death. To do so, it was decided to remove him from his personal physician to whom they have already indicated that he, Dr. Christopher Wheat, is not under house arrest but his patient. " The possibility he would be given back to his family and return to see his patient once a week. The physician, Dr. Christopher Wheat, has already agreed to the idea of seeing his nuclear family because his children are still in kindergarten and calling every day. "President Laurent Gbagbo is subject to regular monitoring of blood, this pernicious disease that would operate during the absence of his doctor, aggravating substances are added to a meal to ease the rising tension. So, slowly, the tension reaches a threshold of no return, which inevitably will cause natural death. An autopsy requested by his family will conclude that he died following an irreversible rise in blood: natural death. No one will know that the rise of tension was caused. In the turmoil, the medical staff would be subtracted to be protected in South Africa. Ordinary passport biometric was under garment as it will not use his diplomatic passport that requires a note verbale from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "says the serious charge on the Internet. The principle of this scheme have been arrested. "But the big question is the attitude of the personal physician of President Gbagbo. Would it be complicit in the design or is it proof of the naivety of a person who is offered a chance to see his wife and children after three months of captivity? ".Finally, the authors of this information on the Internet questioning in connection with recent events: "What if, in addition to previously reported aspects of this humiliating celebration of July 14 by Francois Fillon in the new French colony of Côte d'Ivoire The visit was hiding something? And if it were for Ouattara and Soro Fillon, as well as the ambassadors of France and the United States (...) to discuss in person, to avoid leaving any traces, to refine this diabolical plan to physically remove Gbagbo? All signs must be on high alert. For the French and their supporters today in Côte d'Ivoire, are capable of anything.
This information circulating on the net has quietly gained momentum with the transfer of persons close to President Gbagbo in Boundiali (900 km north of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire). Locked at the La Pergola New in Abidjan since the overthrow of President Gbagbo by the French army, 25 persons were conveyed by night to the north while the Minister of State, Justice Minister Alassane Ouattara was said they were waiting to be transferred to the Detention and Correction d'Abidjan (MACA) in repair until the end of this month. This brutal option to consolidate all political prisoners in Northern cities (Bouna, Katiola, Korhogo and Odienne) under the control of the rebellion of Alassane Ouattara since September 2002 has to say many observers that the new government took Ivorian Gbagbo and his family hostage for elusive goals. This leaves the field open to all the rumors, true or not.The most amazing thing in this case is that the plan is silent Ouattara deal with this information lying around everywhere in offices, homes and all the cyber cafes. It may be false, without any real basis, but more and more Ivorians are convinced that with Mr. Ouattara, the wildest rumors are always true: Beginning December 99, rumors of a coup had filled Abidjan. Bedie was overthrown on December 24 by the soldiers close to Ouattara, now an ally in the war against Gbagbo. In September 2002, rumors of a major military attack on the Côte d'Ivoire, from Burkina Faso, had enveloped the country. The editors of the daily Notre Voie had suffered the wrath of power then. He was accused of giving "alarming information that could deter investors." Assigned a rebellion by the warlord Zakaria Koné, Alassane Ouattara's rebels came from BURKINA FASO to cut IvoryCoast into two. As we approach the presidential election of November 2002, formalized by persistent rumors informants close to the DGSE (French secret service) had warned that without disarmament, France would organize the mess to overthrow Gbagbo. This is done since April 11, 2011. Finally, when the evaporation in the nature of the commander Abéhi Jean Noël, head of the armored squadron of the national police, while Abidjan had Rumours that the regime Ouattara, frightened, would transform the political prisoners as human shields to protect their power. This is done since Saturday, July 9, 2011, with the consolidation of all political prisoners in the north, in the cities of Korhogo, Odienné, Bouna and Katiola.So the rumors of "natural death of President Gbagbo scheduled to Korhogo" would it be able to confirm the exception of the rule? Let's see.
Cesar Etou
The information is taken and distilled for a week on the Internet. She landed in a number of mailboxes and users to transfer it cheerfully. The authors say the information holding "sources close to some Western governments in Abidjan." She is persistent but the Ivorian power remains silent.The information is this: The Ambassadors "France and the U.S. have been asked to get their approval for a natural death of President Laurent Gbagbo in Korhogo under house arrest for nearly three months. It merely tells us that "the custodians of the palace of IvoryCoast, after analysis, have indicated to the two diplomats that it is almost impossible to govern Ivory Coast quietly with a leader the likes of Laurent Gbagbo in prison. They have added that too many of his supporters and military outside is a very high threat to the security of the Ivorian government. " So, from this alert on the net, the designers of the assassination of President Gbagbo are convinced that all Ivorians to the cause of ousted President April 11, 2011 by the French army is the hope of regaining state power to bring their champion to the highest office. To permanently destroy any hint of insurrection and bring in the Ivory Coast all the exiles, criminals who feed the idea of killing the former president believe, according to the information they need to remove the source of their hope. To do so, it would have been considered the death of President Laurent Gbagbo.But how? The strategy adopted is to cause natural death. To do so, it was decided to remove him from his personal physician to whom they have already indicated that he, Dr. Christopher Wheat, is not under house arrest but his patient. " The possibility he would be given back to his family and return to see his patient once a week. The physician, Dr. Christopher Wheat, has already agreed to the idea of seeing his nuclear family because his children are still in kindergarten and calling every day. "President Laurent Gbagbo is subject to regular monitoring of blood, this pernicious disease that would operate during the absence of his doctor, aggravating substances are added to a meal to ease the rising tension. So, slowly, the tension reaches a threshold of no return, which inevitably will cause natural death. An autopsy requested by his family will conclude that he died following an irreversible rise in blood: natural death. No one will know that the rise of tension was caused. In the turmoil, the medical staff would be subtracted to be protected in South Africa. Ordinary passport biometric was under garment as it will not use his diplomatic passport that requires a note verbale from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "says the serious charge on the Internet. The principle of this scheme have been arrested. "But the big question is the attitude of the personal physician of President Gbagbo. Would it be complicit in the design or is it proof of the naivety of a person who is offered a chance to see his wife and children after three months of captivity? ".Finally, the authors of this information on the Internet questioning in connection with recent events: "What if, in addition to previously reported aspects of this humiliating celebration of July 14 by Francois Fillon in the new French colony of Côte d'Ivoire The visit was hiding something? And if it were for Ouattara and Soro Fillon, as well as the ambassadors of France and the United States (...) to discuss in person, to avoid leaving any traces, to refine this diabolical plan to physically remove Gbagbo? All signs must be on high alert. For the French and their supporters today in Côte d'Ivoire, are capable of anything.
This information circulating on the net has quietly gained momentum with the transfer of persons close to President Gbagbo in Boundiali (900 km north of Abidjan in Côte d'Ivoire). Locked at the La Pergola New in Abidjan since the overthrow of President Gbagbo by the French army, 25 persons were conveyed by night to the north while the Minister of State, Justice Minister Alassane Ouattara was said they were waiting to be transferred to the Detention and Correction d'Abidjan (MACA) in repair until the end of this month. This brutal option to consolidate all political prisoners in Northern cities (Bouna, Katiola, Korhogo and Odienne) under the control of the rebellion of Alassane Ouattara since September 2002 has to say many observers that the new government took Ivorian Gbagbo and his family hostage for elusive goals. This leaves the field open to all the rumors, true or not.The most amazing thing in this case is that the plan is silent Ouattara deal with this information lying around everywhere in offices, homes and all the cyber cafes. It may be false, without any real basis, but more and more Ivorians are convinced that with Mr. Ouattara, the wildest rumors are always true: Beginning December 99, rumors of a coup had filled Abidjan. Bedie was overthrown on December 24 by the soldiers close to Ouattara, now an ally in the war against Gbagbo. In September 2002, rumors of a major military attack on the Côte d'Ivoire, from Burkina Faso, had enveloped the country. The editors of the daily Notre Voie had suffered the wrath of power then. He was accused of giving "alarming information that could deter investors." Assigned a rebellion by the warlord Zakaria Koné, Alassane Ouattara's rebels came from BURKINA FASO to cut IvoryCoast into two. As we approach the presidential election of November 2002, formalized by persistent rumors informants close to the DGSE (French secret service) had warned that without disarmament, France would organize the mess to overthrow Gbagbo. This is done since April 11, 2011. Finally, when the evaporation in the nature of the commander Abéhi Jean Noël, head of the armored squadron of the national police, while Abidjan had Rumours that the regime Ouattara, frightened, would transform the political prisoners as human shields to protect their power. This is done since Saturday, July 9, 2011, with the consolidation of all political prisoners in the north, in the cities of Korhogo, Odienné, Bouna and Katiola.So the rumors of "natural death of President Gbagbo scheduled to Korhogo" would it be able to confirm the exception of the rule? Let's see.
Cesar Etou
Monday, July 18, 2011
Real reason why they ousted gbagbo
Ivory Coast: French bosses forcingYoung Afrique-18/7/2011
July 14, Francois Fillon visited the Ivory Coast for talks with Alassane Ouattara. In the luggage of the Prime Minister, one hundred companies attracted to the reconstruction and economic recovery of the country.
The future is bright. "France was doing well in Ivory Coast under Gbagbo regime, but with Ouattara they will be doing better and the will not experience more pressure. It's a new era, "says a French construction sector, present in the country for thirty years.
Evidence of this revival? Subsided, the Paris-Abidjan already attracting newcomers. Since May, Carrefour and Auchan prospect the market. The restaurant chain Hippopotamus opened its first franchise on June 16 (3 million). And its parent company, Groupe Flo, considering the upcoming opening of a brewery Flo, with the help of promoter Franco-Ivorian Badreddine Jihad.
And it's not over. As proof, during his visit to Abidjan after the traditional parade of 14 July on the Champs-Elysees in Paris, French Prime Minister François Fillon has come accompanied by a delegation of a hundred business leaders, led by Patrick Lucas, Chairman of the Africa MEDEF, the main French employers' organization. Besides the date, logistics deployed by Paris reflects the strategic importance of this visit. "Three Airbus have been mobilized. This trip will cost over 200,000 euros to the French government, "stated a French diplomatic source in Abidjan, a few days ago.
With this official visit, French companies have put themselves well in battle in anticipation of the investment plan of over 10 billion euros that the Ivorian government should start after the elections, planned before the end of year. Investments in energy, infrastructure (roads, bridges, schools, hospitals ...) and social (development of health insurance) are the priorities.
Very excited, many French bosses have already made the trip to Abidjan since the fall of Laurent Gbagbo, April 11, to unlock investments pending. Olivier Bouygues, deputy CEO of the Bouygues group, already received twice ADO (May 11 and June 23) announced the relaunch of gas operations through its subsidiary Foxtrot. The group is also working to start the construction of the third bridge in Abidjan-Riviera Marcory. The project (255 million) is on track with the release of 45 million euros by the African Development Bank.
Blocked for the moment, the proposed international airport of San Pedro is promised to Bouygues, Vinci and Fougerolle for the shell, and Aéroports de Paris for the operation - an investment of 185 million euros funded by the ... Deutsche Bank. Vinci is also working with the architect Pierre Fakhoury into participating sites to transfer the political capital of Abidjan to Yamoussoukro.
In mid-June, the businessman Roger Franco-Ivorian Abinader presented to Ivorian authorities Stéphane Charriau, Director for Africa energy group Alstom. It was received by the Minister of Energy, Adama Toungara, before holding talks on the phone with Philip Serey-Eiffel, special adviser to ADO responsible for economic and infrastructure. Objective: To revive the expansion projects of thermal power plants and Azito Ciprelli 4, Vridi. Alstom is well positioned to take over as the Chinese Sinohydro the construction of the dam Soubré (300 million). "The President's priority is to bridge the gap energy production," says a close associate of the Ivorian head of state.
French companies feel (too) confident. The principle of competition between foreign companies set up by Gbagbo to diversify the origin of investors and reduce French influence in the country, proved ineffective, but this measure still had a psychological impact in creating a climate of uncertainty around the hexagonal companies.
When the battle is played without them
French groups are everywhere. Americans Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) remain the main Ivorian cocoa chargers. June 23, they have already exported nearly 350,000 tons of beans, 40% of the 2010-2011 campaign, which ends Sept. 30. In palm oil, Olam (the Indo-Pakistani Kewalram Chanrai) and Indonesian Wilmar acquired a monopoly position through a partnership with the Ivorian private Sifca.
In hydrocarbons, except Foxtrot (subsidiary of Bouygues), operators are American (Vanco Energy), Russian (Lukoil), British (Tullow Oil), Belgium and Ivory Coast (Yam's Petroleum), Nigeria (Ornato), Canada (NRC) Italian (Edison) or UAE (Al-Thani). In the iron, the Indian Tata Steel and Taurian lead the pack with a contract estimated at over 3.5 billion euros for the first. Gold is the case of South Africa's Randgold Resources and Cluff Gold UK. Finally, China National Geological & Mining Corporation is in the manganese.
Of course, the breakthrough of new investors, including China, has reduced the market share of France increased from 12% to 9.8% between 2009 and 2010. However, it remains the second trading partner. According to a note of the economic mission of the Embassy of France in Abidjan, bilateral trade between Paris and Abidjan have reached 1.4 billion euros in 2010. A record. During the boom years before the crisis, they peaked at 700 million euros. On their own, French companies (600 SMEs are present next to large groups) generate more than 50% of tax revenues, estimated at over 2.3 billion euros in 2011.
Other heavyweights attest to this strong French presence. Societe Generale and BNP Paribas, which share 35% of the Ivorian banking market, have had confirmation that they could continue to host the accounts of large public companies in the country as well as approximately 100 000 employees, two thirds of the public service. Similarly, Bolloré and Bouygues dominate the business on the banks of the lagoon Ébrié. The Ivorian subsidiary of Bolloré Africa Logistics is the first private investor. In the port of Abidjan, is preparing the relaunch of its development plan of the container terminal (75 million) and expects 285 million euros of investments in twenty years to leave its subsidiary Sitarail (railway transportation) .
But Total, CFAO and other Accor above all the eyes on the huge project of privatization or redistribution of the cards in the public sector. The head of state has requested an audit of 43 public enterprises (national refinery company [SIR], National Investment Bank, Bank Versus ...) and some of them could be privatized. Already, Sonangol is asked to give up its 22% stake in the SIR. Officially, the Angolan group is evicted for not keeping its promises of investment of about EUR 140 million - not because of his country's support to Laurent Gbagbo ...
Lucrative opportunities ahead. Yet friendly pressure exerted on the power by the Ivorian international donors including the World Bank, to encourage him to launch tenders for more transparency. It remains to see where the yellow line.
Baudelaire Mieu, Abidjan
July 14, Francois Fillon visited the Ivory Coast for talks with Alassane Ouattara. In the luggage of the Prime Minister, one hundred companies attracted to the reconstruction and economic recovery of the country.
The future is bright. "France was doing well in Ivory Coast under Gbagbo regime, but with Ouattara they will be doing better and the will not experience more pressure. It's a new era, "says a French construction sector, present in the country for thirty years.
Evidence of this revival? Subsided, the Paris-Abidjan already attracting newcomers. Since May, Carrefour and Auchan prospect the market. The restaurant chain Hippopotamus opened its first franchise on June 16 (3 million). And its parent company, Groupe Flo, considering the upcoming opening of a brewery Flo, with the help of promoter Franco-Ivorian Badreddine Jihad.
And it's not over. As proof, during his visit to Abidjan after the traditional parade of 14 July on the Champs-Elysees in Paris, French Prime Minister François Fillon has come accompanied by a delegation of a hundred business leaders, led by Patrick Lucas, Chairman of the Africa MEDEF, the main French employers' organization. Besides the date, logistics deployed by Paris reflects the strategic importance of this visit. "Three Airbus have been mobilized. This trip will cost over 200,000 euros to the French government, "stated a French diplomatic source in Abidjan, a few days ago.
With this official visit, French companies have put themselves well in battle in anticipation of the investment plan of over 10 billion euros that the Ivorian government should start after the elections, planned before the end of year. Investments in energy, infrastructure (roads, bridges, schools, hospitals ...) and social (development of health insurance) are the priorities.
Very excited, many French bosses have already made the trip to Abidjan since the fall of Laurent Gbagbo, April 11, to unlock investments pending. Olivier Bouygues, deputy CEO of the Bouygues group, already received twice ADO (May 11 and June 23) announced the relaunch of gas operations through its subsidiary Foxtrot. The group is also working to start the construction of the third bridge in Abidjan-Riviera Marcory. The project (255 million) is on track with the release of 45 million euros by the African Development Bank.
Blocked for the moment, the proposed international airport of San Pedro is promised to Bouygues, Vinci and Fougerolle for the shell, and Aéroports de Paris for the operation - an investment of 185 million euros funded by the ... Deutsche Bank. Vinci is also working with the architect Pierre Fakhoury into participating sites to transfer the political capital of Abidjan to Yamoussoukro.
In mid-June, the businessman Roger Franco-Ivorian Abinader presented to Ivorian authorities Stéphane Charriau, Director for Africa energy group Alstom. It was received by the Minister of Energy, Adama Toungara, before holding talks on the phone with Philip Serey-Eiffel, special adviser to ADO responsible for economic and infrastructure. Objective: To revive the expansion projects of thermal power plants and Azito Ciprelli 4, Vridi. Alstom is well positioned to take over as the Chinese Sinohydro the construction of the dam Soubré (300 million). "The President's priority is to bridge the gap energy production," says a close associate of the Ivorian head of state.
French companies feel (too) confident. The principle of competition between foreign companies set up by Gbagbo to diversify the origin of investors and reduce French influence in the country, proved ineffective, but this measure still had a psychological impact in creating a climate of uncertainty around the hexagonal companies.
When the battle is played without them
French groups are everywhere. Americans Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) remain the main Ivorian cocoa chargers. June 23, they have already exported nearly 350,000 tons of beans, 40% of the 2010-2011 campaign, which ends Sept. 30. In palm oil, Olam (the Indo-Pakistani Kewalram Chanrai) and Indonesian Wilmar acquired a monopoly position through a partnership with the Ivorian private Sifca.
In hydrocarbons, except Foxtrot (subsidiary of Bouygues), operators are American (Vanco Energy), Russian (Lukoil), British (Tullow Oil), Belgium and Ivory Coast (Yam's Petroleum), Nigeria (Ornato), Canada (NRC) Italian (Edison) or UAE (Al-Thani). In the iron, the Indian Tata Steel and Taurian lead the pack with a contract estimated at over 3.5 billion euros for the first. Gold is the case of South Africa's Randgold Resources and Cluff Gold UK. Finally, China National Geological & Mining Corporation is in the manganese.
Of course, the breakthrough of new investors, including China, has reduced the market share of France increased from 12% to 9.8% between 2009 and 2010. However, it remains the second trading partner. According to a note of the economic mission of the Embassy of France in Abidjan, bilateral trade between Paris and Abidjan have reached 1.4 billion euros in 2010. A record. During the boom years before the crisis, they peaked at 700 million euros. On their own, French companies (600 SMEs are present next to large groups) generate more than 50% of tax revenues, estimated at over 2.3 billion euros in 2011.
Other heavyweights attest to this strong French presence. Societe Generale and BNP Paribas, which share 35% of the Ivorian banking market, have had confirmation that they could continue to host the accounts of large public companies in the country as well as approximately 100 000 employees, two thirds of the public service. Similarly, Bolloré and Bouygues dominate the business on the banks of the lagoon Ébrié. The Ivorian subsidiary of Bolloré Africa Logistics is the first private investor. In the port of Abidjan, is preparing the relaunch of its development plan of the container terminal (75 million) and expects 285 million euros of investments in twenty years to leave its subsidiary Sitarail (railway transportation) .
But Total, CFAO and other Accor above all the eyes on the huge project of privatization or redistribution of the cards in the public sector. The head of state has requested an audit of 43 public enterprises (national refinery company [SIR], National Investment Bank, Bank Versus ...) and some of them could be privatized. Already, Sonangol is asked to give up its 22% stake in the SIR. Officially, the Angolan group is evicted for not keeping its promises of investment of about EUR 140 million - not because of his country's support to Laurent Gbagbo ...
Lucrative opportunities ahead. Yet friendly pressure exerted on the power by the Ivorian international donors including the World Bank, to encourage him to launch tenders for more transparency. It remains to see where the yellow line.
Baudelaire Mieu, Abidjan
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