Governance in IVORYCOAST suffers from dictation, military adventurism and tribal politics. Former president Laurent Gbagbo's resilience and determination to preserve IVORYCOAST and avert major conflict or worse, civil war , was tested by the deepening trend of the use of identity politics by Allassane Ouattara to promote tribal interests.
Events leading to the September 19, 2002 failed coup and transformed into a brutal rebellion show the length to which Ouattara and his allies were willing to go to whip up tribal sentiments for the purpose of gaining political advantage. First it was Mr. Allassane Ouattara’s “They don't want me to be a candidate because I'm from the north and I am a muslim” in his infamous all-die-be-die speech to the north of IVORYCOAST. Then in the later days of the same year, Allassane Ouattara caused a stir with another calamitous choice of words – claiming that the people of the Northern Regions are tired of being second fiddle to the presidency. Implicit in that is for Northerners to stand up for one of their kind. Very disgraceful indeed to hear such words come from someone who want to become leader of the whole of IVORYCOAST.
Ouattara chose to tap into human’s natural fear about identity and belonging, by cleverly co-opting the ideas of tribal self-identity and superiority. In effect he employed survival tactics along tribal lines by sending signals to the northerners and muslims to take care of one’s own tribe first. The consequences of this is that Ouattara's crusade became less about policies, ideas, measures, programs or good governance, In any advanced society or democracy Ouattara would have never become head of state. However, in IVORYCOAST, Ouattara did not become president over his choice of words, but by how well he passed the tribal political calculus and the wrongful endorsement of the international community. Ouattara is not concerned about the consequences for national development.
The patronizing nature of IVORYCOAST’s politics coupled with the frustration of high unemployment among school graduates and low incomes for workers only create the climate for tribal orientation of politics in the country. Underpinning the need to have one’s own tribesman in the presidency is the overwhelming belief that Ouattara is corrupt and is in it for himself, his cronies and surrogates. President Ouattara has created a system in which you get around only if you know somebody who intends is connected to somebody in government.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
ABIDJAN ( IVORYCOAST ): During a ceremony held on December 21 at the building SCIAM Plateau, the results of the investigation on the living standards of households in IvoryCoast have been made public. And the least we can say is that two years after the regime change, the lives of Ivorians still do not know any improvement. Rather, it only gets worse day by day in a country where authorities talk of billions and emergence in a decade. Wonderful!
Thus, according to the Director General of the Institute, Ibrahim Ba, the investigation revealed "a worsening of urban poverty." Adama Toungara who is the mayor of Abobo over ten years went to illuminate the municipality in which people, oppressed by poverty are still dying from diseases that have disappeared from the planet earth.
This finding of worsening urban poverty is also evidence that the new Ivorian government, despite the rhetoric, has not yet succeeded in reversing the curve of the poverty in our country after two years of effective power. If the investigation revealed a worsening of urban poverty, one can easily imagine the situation in rural areas. In the areas of education and employment the investigation also noted some disturbing setbacks. Thus, "illiteracy and unemployment" exploded.
This gives a clear idea of exploits by Kandia Camara at the Ministry of National Education. If she puts out the threat of closing schools for a year, it will undoubtedly improve the situation. As for unemployment, it already carries the promise of our president to create one million jobs by 2015. Given that unemployment has never been better in our country with Ouattara's "adjustment policy" which is a form of discrimination that allows only president Ouattara's close friends, family members, and his muslim northern tribesmen to be appointed to higher administration positions.
But as Hamed Bakayoko, the arrogant minister of interior said "2013 will be the year of Côte d'Ivoire", Ivorians can always dream!
Monday, December 3, 2012
In IvoryCoast,, where, after catching wrongly ex-president Laurent Gbagbo, the ICC would like to smuggle his wife, Simone. However, the Ivorian president, Alassane Ouattara, is balking. Why? Not because Simone - accused wrongly, like her husband, having ordered massacres - would be free from fault.
No, what bothers president Ouattara, is that after Simone, members of his camp may well be called to the bar. Starting with Guillaume Soro, former Prime Minister, and now head of the parliament , initiator of the failed coup of 2002, which killed 5,000 civilians, is accused of atrocities by a UN report. Since then, other reports (Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch) recalled the misdeeds of warlords close to the current president, Allassane Ouattara. As Ousmane Coulibaly says "Bin Laden", Cherif Ousmane, Losseni Konate, Fofie Kouakou and many more, which men have committed hundreds of executions in April and May 2011 in Abidjan. Warlords that president Ouattara has appointed governors of districts.
Source: French News Agency
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Eighteen months after the end of a post-election conflict which caused over 3,000 deaths and was merely the epilogue of a decade-long political and military crisis, no one could have expected a complete return to normalcy. IvoryCoast has to cope with challenges commonly faced by post-war countries. The security apparatus is struggling to get back in order.
Over 18,000 traditional hunters deployed across the territory, the so-called Dozos, helped secure the country, thus playing a role for which they have neither legitimacy nor skills. This military and militia apparatus working for the government is not well accepted, especially by the opposition. Political turmoil is accompanied by a return of hateful and dangerous discourses relayed by a partisan press, loyal to president Ouattara governement. In this climate of polarisation, the government is making decisions that gradually move it away from its campaign promises of better governance and a break with the past. The judicial system remains biased: not a single FRCI ( Ouattara's forces ) member has been charged, either for crimes committed during the post-election crisis or for those committed since. Arbitrary arrests have been taking place in the opposition media and have been widely carried out by the powerful Direction de la surveillance du territoire (DST) and military police.
In the administration and public companies, some appointments were made on regional or political criteria, in the name of an “adjustment policy” – a form of reverse discrimination that allows only Ouattara's friends, family members, and his tribesmen to be appointed to higher administration positions– that contradicts promises of improving governance.
The political class does not seem to have learned all the lessons from the post-electoral crisis, and is repeating the very attitudes that have led the country to the brink. It is urgent for President Ouattara, the new government and the entire ruling political class to resist the temptation of abusing power, which has already cost many lives in Côte d’Ivoire. It is time for the African organisations and the international community to publicly and firmly denounce the current Ivorian regime’s dysfunctions.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
“We were able to meet dozens of detainees who told us how they have been tortured by electricity or had molten plastic poured on their bodies, two of them have been sexually abused. Some have been held for many months and denied contact with their families and access to lawyers” said Gaëtan Mootoo, Amnesty International researcher on West Africa
Monday, October 22, 2012
IVORYCOAST (ABIDAJN): The former representative of the Plateau district (Abidjan) and member of the main opposition party (FPI), Mady Bouabré is languishing since Monday, August 6, 2012 in a hospice for the Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (Dst) based in Abidjan-Cocody. This is exactly 2 months and 17 days since this representative has been detained by president Ouattara regime without being formally charged. Visits from his lawyer and his family are forbidden and according to police sources, his health is deteriorating given the inhumane conditions of his detention. According to a police source, "Ouattara 's regime has no evidence." against the former representative Mady Bouabre. But he has been held illegally by Ouattara's regime. Indeed, it was Ouattara's zealous Minister of interior Hamed Bakayoko who ordered the arrest and detention of Mady Bouabré, Monday, August 6, whereas the former representative was returning from the Ivorian-Ghanaian border where he accompanied his wife, Bouabré Ehivet Victoire, younger sister of the former First Lady, Simone Gbagbo. According to eyewitness accounts, on the way back, after leaving his family in Ghanaian territory, Mady Bouabré was recognized by president Ouattara Customs as a former representative of the main oposition party ( FPI). He was arrested and taken to the police station. Once there, he was questioned by the police officer on duty who let him go after realizing Mady Bouabre was not the subject of any arrest warrant issued by Ouattara regime. Continuing his journey back towards Abidjan, the former representative of the Plateau district was again arrested in the town of Assouba by an armed pro-Ouattara militia (FRCI). The pro-Ouattara forces took him back to the Ivorian-Ghanaian border where he came from and alerted Ouattara's zealous minister of interior who ordered that Mady Bouabre be arrested.
Ouattara's regime, in a rare attempt of silencing the opposition, has arrested more oppostion leaders and sympathizers since Mady Bouabre was arrested on August 6, 2012. Opposition newspapers and offices have also been vandalized by Ouattara's armed militia groups drawing criticism from human rights groups and several NGOs operating in IvoryCoast.
Mady Bouabre has been detained for 78 days without being charged; his family has not seen him since he was detained and he is not allowed an attorney visit.
Ouattara's regime, in a rare attempt of silencing the opposition, has arrested more oppostion leaders and sympathizers since Mady Bouabre was arrested on August 6, 2012. Opposition newspapers and offices have also been vandalized by Ouattara's armed militia groups drawing criticism from human rights groups and several NGOs operating in IvoryCoast.
Mady Bouabre has been detained for 78 days without being charged; his family has not seen him since he was detained and he is not allowed an attorney visit.
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Koenders: "I do not agree with the way Ouattara is leading IvoryCoast"
Koenders: "I do not agree with the way Ouattara is leading IvoryCoast"
UN representative for the UN peace mission in IvoryCoast(UNOCI), Koenders, resolves to understand that there is not yet a "fair trial". "When you want reconciliation, everyone must answer for his actions in court. It should not have double standards. But the problem also is that there is a lack of clarity between justice and réconciliation. I am also against waves of arrests of opposition leaders and sympathizers here and there by president Ouattara government . It is not good that the government always blames the supporters of the former regime , when there are attacks against the government armed militias (FRCI), "denounced the head of UNOCI. "It is not acceptable, that we have prisoners in IvoryCoast because of their political views. But we find that FPI is the largest party of the opposition, which is why we multiply contacts with the party "recognizes Koenders. I totally disagree with the way in which IvoryCoast is run by president Allassane Ouattara.
UN representative for the UN peace mission in IvoryCoast(UNOCI), Koenders, resolves to understand that there is not yet a "fair trial". "When you want reconciliation, everyone must answer for his actions in court. It should not have double standards. But the problem also is that there is a lack of clarity between justice and réconciliation. I am also against waves of arrests of opposition leaders and sympathizers here and there by president Ouattara government . It is not good that the government always blames the supporters of the former regime , when there are attacks against the government armed militias (FRCI), "denounced the head of UNOCI. "It is not acceptable, that we have prisoners in IvoryCoast because of their political views. But we find that FPI is the largest party of the opposition, which is why we multiply contacts with the party "recognizes Koenders. I totally disagree with the way in which IvoryCoast is run by president Allassane Ouattara.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Doudou Diene, the UN Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in IVORYCOAST, is not happy about president Ouattara's regime. He lamented, Friday, October 12, 2012, during a press conference in Abidjan, that the deadliest attack of the refugees camp in Duékoué in July 2012 by president Ouattara's armed militias in which 137 civilians were massacred , remained unpunished by Ouattara's government.
The UN envoy call to end impunity in IVORYCOAST by Ouattara's regime after the crisis of 2010-2011. "Nobody has been arrested among those who perpetrated the attack on the refugee camp," denounced Doudou Diene last friday in a press conference in Abidjan.
Responsible for reporting on his mission to the Council of Human Rights of the UN, Doudou Diene urged an end to "a culture of impunity from president Ouattara's government." He believed that justice should pursue "all those who have committed crimes" during the last crisis, "regardless of their political leanings."
Three commanders of presdient Ouattara's armed militias who are cited by Human rights groups for committing the worst human rights violations on civilians , received military promotions two weeks ago by president Allassane Ouattara, which some UN experts criticized as mocking abused victims.
Talking about the recent closing of the opposition newspapers and the vandalism of their offices by Ouattara's armed militias, the UN independent expert insisted that "the right to information is a cornerstone of democratic reconstruction."
The UN envoy call to end impunity in IVORYCOAST by Ouattara's regime after the crisis of 2010-2011. "Nobody has been arrested among those who perpetrated the attack on the refugee camp," denounced Doudou Diene last friday in a press conference in Abidjan.
Responsible for reporting on his mission to the Council of Human Rights of the UN, Doudou Diene urged an end to "a culture of impunity from president Ouattara's government." He believed that justice should pursue "all those who have committed crimes" during the last crisis, "regardless of their political leanings."
Three commanders of presdient Ouattara's armed militias who are cited by Human rights groups for committing the worst human rights violations on civilians , received military promotions two weeks ago by president Allassane Ouattara, which some UN experts criticized as mocking abused victims.
Talking about the recent closing of the opposition newspapers and the vandalism of their offices by Ouattara's armed militias, the UN independent expert insisted that "the right to information is a cornerstone of democratic reconstruction."
About forty two mercenaries from neighboring Burkina faso hired by armed pro-Ouattara militias in 2011 to help overthrow President Gbagbo from power and install Alassane Ouattara will be paid about three hundred thousands dollars as a rewards by president Ouattara's government . According to La Lettre du Continent (French news agency) dated October 11, 2012, Ouattara's regime has decided to reward each mercenary from Burkina Faso , for his role in the overthrow of the then-elected president Gbagbo, about fourteen thousands dollars. This makes a total of 294 million FCFA ( $ 600,000 ) that president Alassane Dramane Ouattara will give people who are accused by various ONG and Human Rights Violations groups of massacre and extrajudicial executions of civilians. This revelation of La Lettre du Continent joined one made earlier by Burkina Faso weekly, Reporter, No. 93, May 1, 2012, which made public the ongoing negociation between Ouattara's government and these mercenaries from Burkina Faso. Ouattara regime will therefore reward killers when people from IvoryCoast mired in misery, insecurity, soaring food prices, and famine threatening ...
Thursday, October 4, 2012
SAN PEDRO, Ivory Coast (AP) — The soldiers lined up the detainees in a row on the grass in the middle of the night and beat them with sticks. Other times, soldiers struck the prisoners with belts and rifles so hard the welts lasted for weeks.
Cedric Bao, a 33-year-old who was held for two weeks in August on suspicion of hiding weapons, said soldiers also attached wires to detainees and administered electrical shocks as they writhed on the ground.
"When that happened, the wires would produce a lot of noise, and the lights would flicker, and it would smell like burning. We could hear the people shouting," Bao said. "I was always praying to God not to be brought downstairs."
Ivory Coast's military has launched a widespread campaign of arrests and detentions, charge former detainees and human rights groups. Scores of Ivorians like Bao are being rounded up on allegations of involvement in recent attacks on the military or of otherwise attempting to undermine state security.
The country's U.N. mission said in mid-August that 100 arrests of those suspected of the attacks had been documented. A U.N. official, who is not authorized to speak for the mission, said this week that that number had more than doubled.
While torture allegations have been documented at multiple military facilities, the U.N. officials said that some of the worst came from detainees at the San Pedro camp, including credible reports of electrical shocks.
Few detainees in the city had spoken up about their experiences at the camp because of threats they received before being released, said Serges Dagbo, San Pedro representative for the Ivorian Human Rights League.
But in recent interviews with The Associated Press, four former detainees described harsh conditions marked by cramped quarters, minimal food and the frequent use of violence to extract confessions.
Like other detainees, 40-year-old Plika Sokouli said he was never told exactly why he was arrested in late August at the stand where he sells pineapples and homemade liquor.
But he said the threat of violence was apparent as soon as he arrived at the camp.
"When I got there a guard took a pistol and put it in my mouth and told me to speak," he said. "I said I knew nothing."
Christian Hino, a 34-year-old former gas station attendant who is currently jobless, said eight detainees were handcuffed before being subjected to one-on-one torture sessions, which lasted up to 25 minutes.Of those, he said, four were laid down on the grass outside the camp's main building, and long wires were attached to their feet, midsections and necks before electrical shocks were administered.
"At around 4 a.m., a policeman who was arrested became unconscious from the electrocution," Hino said. "I was really afraid. He was not reacting. People were wondering if he was dead."
The camp's top official, Capt. Sekou Bema Ouattara, denied allegations of physical abuse, and claimed prisoners had never been held there for longer than a day or so.
Still, he defended the military's campaign to root out enemies of the state among the local population.
"It's because of our determination and work that San Pedro has not been attacked," he said.
Lt. Aboubakar Traore, the camp's second-in-command, also denied that physical abuse occurred at the camp. But he said soldiers may have resorted to torture while commanders were away."I don't want to say that we are perfect," he said. "I'm not sleeping here. I don't know exactly what the soldiers do when I'm sleeping."
But a guard at the facility, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisals, said prisoners were routinely held there for multiple days for investigation. He also said beatings were commonplace, claiming they occurred when commanders were gone.
Asked whether the beatings were severe, he laughed and said: "There's no two ways of beating someone. We beat them severely so they can remember."
Abuse allegations in San Pedro should be investigated immediately, said Matt Wells, West Africa researcher for Human Rights Watch.
"The nature and pattern of the detainee mistreatment would indicate that, at a minimum, the camp's commanders should have been aware of such abuses and taken steps to prevent them and to punish soldiers involved," he said. "Ivorian authorities should investigate immediately and ensure that anyone responsible is brought to justice."
Meanwhile, there are concerns that the torture in San Pedro could soon worsen.
The government confirmed this week that Ousmane Coulibaly said Bin Laden, a former zone commander in the New Forces rebel group, which controlled northern Ivory Coast from 2002 to 2010, had been appointed prefect of the San Pedro region.
Ousmane Coulibaly a worshiper of Bin Laden has been implicated by Human Rights Watch in grave crimes during the post-election crisis, including torture and extrajudicial killings in Abidjan's Yopougon district.
Wells said the appointment "mocks the victims of these abuses and the government's promise to deliver impartial justice."
As they wait for Coulibaly to be installed in his new position, the former detainees in San Pedro question whether the abuse they and others have endured has made the city any safer.
"For me, I don't believe in the confessions they received," Bao said, "because these confessions were made under torture."
Monday, October 1, 2012
Certainly, we've seen everything under the us-educated muslim president Allassane Ouattara. According to military sources, until yesterday, Sunday, September 30, 2012, the police and the military had not yet received their salaries for the month. To be paid and in addition, by hand, the Ouattara government asks them a number of conditions. While Côte d'Ivoire is a secular country, Ouattara regime now wants to know the religion of each police man and soldier before they can get paid. Since last Friday, September 28, they each received information sheets they must complete and must file no later than October 7, otherwise they will not be paid. This document from the Department of Defense, according to our sources, each cop or soldier must indicate their religion. Ouattara who is a muslim has long suspected christians of destabilizing his regime. Many christians including opposition leaders and sympathisers are daily jailed or taken to president Ouattara concentrations and detention centers for unlimited length of time.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
According to official sources, the us-educated islamist president of IvoryCoast, Allassane Ouattara, has appointed three tribal militia men from the largely muslim northern part of IvoryCoast, regional prefects, Wednesday, Sept. 26. The first, Ousmane Coulibaly said "bin Laden" is assigned to San Pedro, the second port of IvoryCoast and the capital of the Bas-Sassandra. He was previously in charge of security in the neighborhood of Yopougon in Abidjan, where he committed, according to human rights groups, human rights violations ranging from rapes and summary executions, after reigning as zone commander in Odienne, the city where Simone Gbagbo is being held in custody since the fall of Laurent Gbagbo in April 2011.
The second Tuo Fozié, is appointed to Bondoukou, the capital of the region of Zanzan. He left his position as head of the unit responsible for the FRCI(pro-Ouattara tribal forces) fight against racketeering.
The third is the new warden commander Koné Messamba, former director of pro-Ouattara tribal paramilitary forces. He must take up his duties in Guiglo in the west, the Liberian border, in the region of the Middle Cavally. These three appointments are held in particularly sensitive areas in terms of security.
These three pro-Ouattara forces commanders are responsible for extrajudicial executions on civilians, according to many NGOs.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Ivory Coast is occupied by the French army, there are now seventeen months. Until then, the occupation army can not control its local employees that are the Republican Forces of Côte d'Ivoire (FRCI), president Alassane Ouattara tribal militia. This ethno-mystical set composed of 98% of muslims of northern IvoryCoast, kills daily Ivorians perceived as pro- Gbagbo. Those who still have the chance, are imprisoned in concentration camps, and the word is not strong, in Abidjan and in the North of the country, and there is evidence to show it.
The opposition press is muzzled with the suspension completely inadvertent of opposition newspapers and targeted attacks of their offices. Mr. President, in a democracy, citizens have the right to exercise their political autonomy through freedom of expression. Therefore, the essential function of the press is to empower them to develop their critical thinking and their opinions, assess their representatives and leaders, and ultimately form their political judgment during elections. As part of Côte d'Ivoire who chose as your country USA, political pluralism and democracy, it is essential that the press can provide people sovereign relevant information without concealing unpleasant facts and critical to the rulers . The autocratic and repressive regime of president Allassane Ouattara established for more than a year in IvoryCoast is putting in place the conditions of a psychological terror and censorship by a formal censure.
Mr.President, freedom of information is so essential to democracy that it can not be limited under any circumstances. Censorship of the opposition press in IvoryCoast is a great absurdity, because the level of democracy in a country is measured by the freedom of expression of its release. In this sense, USA your country is an example and IvoryCoast can not go back despite intimidation by the Government of president Allassane Ouattara.
Mr. President, you agree with us that there is a notorious injustice to which we can not remain indifferent when we know that, even pro-Ouattara forces who killed and continue to kill Ivorians are parading freely and proudly currently in Abidjan with military ranks of people covered of blood..People of IvoryCoast and worthy children of Africa cannot naturally accept this injustice, today or tomorrow.
Having confidence in your kindness, please accept, Sir, the expression of our gratitude and our highest consideration.
Zalou Honore
The opposition press is muzzled with the suspension completely inadvertent of opposition newspapers and targeted attacks of their offices. Mr. President, in a democracy, citizens have the right to exercise their political autonomy through freedom of expression. Therefore, the essential function of the press is to empower them to develop their critical thinking and their opinions, assess their representatives and leaders, and ultimately form their political judgment during elections. As part of Côte d'Ivoire who chose as your country USA, political pluralism and democracy, it is essential that the press can provide people sovereign relevant information without concealing unpleasant facts and critical to the rulers . The autocratic and repressive regime of president Allassane Ouattara established for more than a year in IvoryCoast is putting in place the conditions of a psychological terror and censorship by a formal censure.
Mr. President, you agree with us that there is a notorious injustice to which we can not remain indifferent when we know that, even pro-Ouattara forces who killed and continue to kill Ivorians are parading freely and proudly currently in Abidjan with military ranks of people covered of blood..People of IvoryCoast and worthy children of Africa cannot naturally accept this injustice, today or tomorrow.
Having confidence in your kindness, please accept, Sir, the expression of our gratitude and our highest consideration.
Zalou Honore
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
137 bodies were found shortly after the attack on the camp of displaced Wê Nahibly (Duékoué) on July 20 by pro-Ouattara forces. Dozos of an armed pro-Ouattara militia tried to remove several other bodies of victims. This is the French monthly Le Monde diplomatique ... which made these revelations in the latest edition of September 2012, citing humanitarian sources present in western IvoryCoast. "Despite the promises of President Ouattara, the massacre of March 2011 has not resulted in any legal proceedings. Worse, it was probably the engine of a new drama, July 20: Hundreds of people, including the dozos and FRCI(government forces), attacked and destroyed a camp for displaced Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), near Duékoué, with impunity. Humanitarian sources speak of hundred and thirty-seven corpses found in the days that followed, the dozos also sought to remove many bodies, "wrote the French newspaper. Which states that there are several indications that the attack had been planned long. An anonymous diplomatic source is quoted saying : "The camp was uncomfortable as witnesses of the massacre of March 2011 were there. Today, they are dead or dispersed. This is what wanted those who organized the operation. "
In march of 2011, 816 people were massacred in the town of Duekoue by pro-Ouattara forces on their way to topple the then-president Laurent Gbagbo.
Le Monde ( French News Agency)
In march of 2011, 816 people were massacred in the town of Duekoue by pro-Ouattara forces on their way to topple the then-president Laurent Gbagbo.
Le Monde ( French News Agency)
The Embassy of the United States in IvoryCoast is concerned about the suspension on September 12 of opposition newspapers by president Allassane Ouattara's government. The public is best served when the diversity of opinions can be freely expressed through the media. Freedom of the press is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Ivorian people must have the right to determine for itself the validity of different political views, statements and arguments relayed by the press
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Devoir de mémoire
Koua Justin ( Septembre 2012 ):
«La Jfpi se dressera toujours, conformément à ces lois contre le système de répression, d’oppression et de mépris de la vie humaine instaurée par Ouattara contre les ivoiriens. Ce à quoi on assiste depuis le 11 avril 2011, ne doit laisser personne indifférent et inactif. Depuis le 11 avril 2011, les militants, les pro-Gbagbo sont perçus comme des “microbes à éliminer”. Les Ivoiriens vivent le martyr sous Ouattara. Donc le régime hyperpuissant n’a pas de contre-pouvoir. C’est pourquoi, il en abuse. Puisque l’Onuci se fait complice de ses dérives. En Côte d’Ivoire, l’Exécutif joue à la fois le rôle du législatif et du judiciaire. Ce qui est totalement incongru. Ce régime nous conduit tout droit au désastre. Tout le monde a peur. Moi particulièrement, la prison ne m’effraie pas. Je ne fuirai jamais mon pays à cause d’une éventuelle arrestation. Je suis à leur disposition. Si je dois aller en prison, j’irai avec le sourire. Mais qu’ils sachent que si je suis arrêté, il y aura un autre qui va poursuivre le combat. Quand on est impopulaire, on trouve en son opposition, les sources de ses malheurs. Je répète que ce régime est impopulaire et illégitime.»
Monday, September 10, 2012
Friday, September 7, 2012
A French newspaper back on the massacre Duékoué: 137 bodies found after the attack on Camp Nahibly
137 bodies were found shortly after the attack on the camp of displaced Wê Nahibly (Duékoué) on 20 July by pro-Ouattara forces. Dozos of an armed pro-Ouattara militia tried to remove several other bodies of victims. This is the French monthly Le Monde diplomatique ... which made these revelations in the latest edition of September 2012, citing humanitarian sources present in western IvoryCoast. "Despite the promises of President Ouattara, the massacre of March 2011 has not resulted in any legal proceedings. Worse, it was probably the engine of a new drama, July 20: Hundreds of people, including the dozos and FRCI(government forces), attacked and destroyed a camp for displaced Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), near Duékoué, with impunity. Humanitarian sources speak of hundred and thirty-seven corpses found in the days that followed, the dozos also sought to remove many bodies, "wrote the French newspaper. Which states that there are several indications that the attack had been planned long. An anonymous diplomatic source is quoted saying : "The camp was uncomfortable as witnesses of the massacre of March 2011 were there. Today, they are dead or dispersed. This is what wanted those who organized the operation. "
In march of 2011, 816 people were massacred in the town of Duekoue by pro-Ouattara forces on their way to topple the then-president Laurent Gbagbo.
Le Monde ( French News Agency)
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